Users can launch Horizon desktops and applications from the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app or portal in Horizon Client or a Web browser, based on how the desktop or application is configured in Horizon. If a desktop or application is only configured for Horizon Client, users must install Horizon Client on their systems.

The Horizon HTML Access feature enables Horizon administrators to configure a desktop or application for browsers. This configuration is done in Horizon and no configuration is required in Workspace ONE Access. See the VMware Horizon HTML Access documentation for information.

In Horizon 7 versions prior to 7.13, the Allow HTML Access to desktop and applications on this farm setting determines whether users in Workspace ONE Access have the option to launch desktops or applications from that farm in a browser.

In Horizon 7.13 and later versions, HTML Access is enabled by default for all resources in a farm. End users always see the option in Intelligent Hub to launch applications and desktops in a browser. However, if HTML Access is not installed on the Horizon Connection servers, browser launch fails. For Horizon 7.13 and later versions, you must install HTML Access on the Horizon Connection servers.

Workspace ONE Access also supports all the display protocols that Horizon supports for Horizon Client. For Horizon 7, Workspace ONE Access supports the Blast protocol in addition to PCoIP and RDP for Horizon Client 4.0. When Workspace ONE Access users launch a desktop or application in Horizon Client, it uses the protocol that is set in Horizon.

Note: In Horizon, in addition to setting the default display protocol, administrators can specify whether users are allowed to choose a display protocol. If you want to support versions of Horizon Client that do not support the default protocol, allowing users to choose the display protocol is recommended. Otherwise, the application or desktop cannot be launched.

For information about configuring the display protocols and launch options, see the Horizon documentation.

In the Workspace ONE Access console, you can check the launch options that a Horizon desktop or application supports.


  1. Log in to the Workspace ONE Access console.
  2. Click the Catalog > Virtual Apps tab.
  3. (Optional) Click the icon in the Type column heading and select either Horizon Desktop or Horizon Application, or both, to view all Horizon desktop and application pools.
    You can also search for a specific pool by name.
  4. Click the desktop or application name.
    In the Definition section, the Supported client types field displays the launch options that are set in Horizon.
    Horizon app page - definition section

    The value can be NATIVE or BROWSER, or both. If only NATIVE is listed, the desktop or application can only be launched in Horizon Client. Users must install Horizon Client on their systems before starting the application from the Hub catalog. If BROWSER is listed, users can start the application or desktop in a browser. If both are specified, users can select how they want to start the application.

    Note: In Horizon 7 versions prior to 7.13, the Allow HTML Access to desktop and applications on this farm option must be enabled for the BROWSER option to appear in the Supported client types list.
    Note: In Horizon 7.13 and later, HTML Access must be installed on the Horizon Connection servers for browser launch to work.