Verify (Intelligent Hub) is a multi-factor (MFA) authentication method integrated with the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub app that can be configured in Workspace ONE Access. When the Intelligent Hub app is installed on UEM managed or registered devices, Verify (Intelligent Hub) can be used as a second authentication method to access a restricted Hub catalog or restricted apps.
To use Verify (Intelligent Hub) authentication, Workspace ONE Access and Workspace ONE UEM must be integrated with Hub Services. You enable the authentication method in the Workspace ONE Access services and then add it as an authentication method in the built-in identity provider. When a request for Verify (Intelligent Hub) authentication is required, Hub Services sends an urgent notification message to the device that user designated to receive the notification.
To manage access to the Hub catalog with Verify (Intelligent Hub) from a web browser, you create an access policy rule in the default access policy and assign Verify (Intelligent Hub) as the second authentication method.
To manage access to apps that require a second authentication message to access, you create an application-specific access policy, select the apps that require restricted access, and create rules for the different devices types that can access the restricted apps.