When the VMware Identity Manager Connector is configured behind a load balancer, you must establish SSL trust between the load balancer and the connector. The connector root certificate must be copied to the load balancer as a trusted root certificate.

The VMware Identity Manager Connector certificate can be downloaded from the connector admin pages at https://connectorFQDN:8443/cfg/ssl.

When the connector domain name points to the load balancer, the SSL certificate can only be applied to the load balancer.


  1. Log in to the connector admin pages, https://connectorFQDN:8443/cfg/login, as the admin user.
  2. Select Install SSL Certificates.
  3. In the Server Certificate tab, click the link in the Appliance Self Signed Root CA Certificates field.
    download connector certificate
  4. Copy everything between and including the lines -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- and -----END CERTIFICATE---- and paste the root certificate into the correct location on each of your load balancers. Refer to the load balancer documentation.

What to do next

Copy and paste the load balancer root certificate to the VMware Identity Manager Connector.