You can add Web applications to your catalog by either selecting them from the cloud application catalog or creating new ones.
The cloud application catalog contains commonly-used enterprise Web applications. These applications are partially configured and you must provide additional information to complete the application record. You might also need to work with your Web application account representatives to complete other required setup.
Many of the applications in the cloud application catalog use SAML 2.0 or 1.1 to exchange authentication and authorization data to enable single sign-on from Workspace ONE to the Web application.
When you create a new application, you need to enter all the configuration information for the application. The configuration varies based on the type of application you are adding. For applications with no federation protocol, you only require a Target URL.
Applications from any third-party identity providers that you have configured as application sources in VMware Identity Manager are added as new applications.
While adding an application, you also select an access policy to control user access to the application. A default access policy is available and you can also create new ones from the
page. See VMware Identity Manager Administration for information about access policies.Prerequisites
- Obtain the configuration information for the application.
- Create an access policy if you do not want to use the default access policy. You can create access policies from the page.
- Create categories if you want to group applications into categories. A predefined Recommended category is available. You can create categories from the Categories and typing the category name in the text box. page by clicking
- Create user groups, if required. You can create groups from the tab.