After you create the updated ThinApp package, you copy the appropriate files to a new subfolder at the same level as the existing subfolder on the network share.


Verify that you have the files for the updated ThinApp package, as a result of completing the steps in Create the Updated ThinApp Package and incrementing the VersionID value.

Verify that you have access to the network share and can make subfolders and copy files to it.


  1. In the network share folder, create a new subfolder for the updated ThinApp package.
    Retain the existing subfolder for the ThinApp package that you are updating, and do not alter its contents.

    After the next scheduled sync, VMware Identity Manager ignores the older package, when it recognizes the new package has the same AppID value and a higher VersionID value.

    Typically, you name the subfolder to match the name of the ThinApp application, or indicate what application is in the folder. For example, if the network share is named appshare on a host named server, and the application is called abceditor, the subfolder for the ThinApp package is \\server\appshare\abceditor.

    Note: Do not use non-ASCII characters when you create your network share subfolder names for ThinApp packages to distribute by using VMware Identity Manager. Non-ASCII characters are not supported.
  2. Copy the EXE and DAT files for the updated ThinApp package into that new subfolder.
  3. (Optional) If you do not want to wait for the next scheduled sync time, you can manually sync VMware Identity Manager with the network share from the Packaged Apps - ThinApp page of the VMware Identity Manager console.

    When VMware Identity Manager performs the scheduled sync with the network share folder and it encounters an application that has the same AppID as another application, it compares the VersionID values. The ThinApp package with the highest VersionID is used as the most recent update. VMware Identity Manager automatically incorporates the previous user entitlements to the ThinApp package with the highest VersionID, and shortcuts on the users' systems are synced to point to the updated package.