After you deploy the Integration Broker and set up PowerShell remoting, verify the connection to the Citrix server farm.


  1. In a browser, enter the appropriate URL for your Citrix farm version.
    • Citrix XenApp or XenDesktop server farm 7.x


    • Citrix server farm 6.5


    • Citrix server farm 6.0


  2. Review the output.
    If Integration Broker is properly configured, the page displays Citrix server farm information, such as the following:

    "[{\"FarmName\":\"test data\",\"ServerVersion\":\" 6.0.6410\",\"AdministratorType\":\"Full\",\"SessionCount\":\"2\",\"MachineName\":\"test data\"}]”

    If the Web page does not display the server farm information, review the logs on the Integration Broker server at %programdata%/VMware/HorizonIntegrationBroker.