You can use the deployment checklist to gather the necessary information to install and configure the VMware Identity Manager Connector on Windows.

Fully Qualified Domain Name Information

Information to Gather List the Information
VMware Identity Manager Connector FQDN

Network Information

Information to Gather List the Information
IP address
Note: You must use a static IP address and it must have a PTR and an A record defined in the DNS.
DNS host name
Default Gateway address
Netmask or prefix

Directory Information

VMware Identity Manager supports integrating with Active Directory or LDAP directories.

Table 1. Active Directory Domain Controller Information Checklist
Information to Gather List the Information
Active Directory server name
Active Directory domain name
Base DN
For Active Directory over LDAP, the Bind DN username and password

For Active Directory over Integrated Windows Authentication, the user name and password of a domain user that is also part of the administrator group on the Windows server on which you are installing

Table 2. LDAP Directory Server Information Checklist
Information to Gather List the Information
LDAP directory server name or IP address
LDAP directory server port number
Base DN
Bind DN username and password
LDAP search filters for bind user objects, group objects, and user objects
LDAP attribute names for membership, object UUID, and distinguished name

SSL Certificates

You can add an SSL certificate from a Certificate Authority after you deploy the VMware Identity Manager Connector.

Table 3. SSL Certificate Information Checklist
Information to Gather List the Information
SSL certificate
Private key
Note: For Kerberos authentication, the connector must have a trusted SSL certificate. You can obtain the certificate from your internal certificate authority. Kerberos authentication does not work with self-signed certificates.