Before you create a local directory, review the global user attributes on the User Attributes page and add custom attributes, if necessary.

User attributes, such as firstName, lastName, email and domain, are part of a user's profile. In the VMware Identity Manager service, user attributes are defined at the global level and apply to all directories in the service, including local directories. At the local directory level, you can override whether an attribute is required or optional for users in that local directory, but you cannot add custom attributes. If an attribute is required, you must provide a value for it when you create a user.

The following words cannot be used when you create custom attributes.

Table 1. Words that cannot be used as Custom Attribute Names
active addresses costCenter
department displayName division
emails employeeNumber entitlements
externalId groups id
ims locale manager
meta name nickName
organization password phoneNumber
photos preferredLanguage profileUrl
roles timezone title
userName userType x509Certificate
Note: The ability to override user attributes at the directory level only applies to local directories, not to Active Directory or LDAP directories.


  1. In the VMware Identity Manager console, click the Identity & Access Management tab.
  2. Click Setup, then click the User Attributes tab.
  3. Review the list of user attributes and add additional attributes, if necessary.
    Note: Although this page lets you select which attributes are required, it is recommended that you make the selection for local directories at the local directory level. If an attribute is marked required on this page, it applies to all directories in the service, including Active Directory or LDAP directories.
  4. Click Save.

What to do next

Create the local directory.