If your administrator has provided you access to ThinApp packaged applications, you must install Identity Manager Desktop on your Windows system to use these applications.


Verify that you meet the following requirements before installing the application:

  • Supported operating systems: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012.

    The installer for Identity Manager Desktop includes both 3-bit and 64-bit versions. The appropriate version is selected automatically.

  • Disk space: 15 MB for the Identity Manager Desktop application and 2837 KB for the ThinApp Package support feature. If ThinApp packages are installed locally, more space is required.
  • Administrator privileges on the Windows system
Note: Before installing Identity Manager Desktop, close all open applications.


  1. Download Identity Manager Desktop.
    1. Using a browser, sign in to your Apps portal.
    2. In the browser address bar, enter your apps portal URL/download. For example, https://myco.example.com/download.
    3. Click Download Desktop Client for Windows to download the Identity Manager Desktop.
    4. Save the file to your computer.
  2. Double-click the executable file that you downloaded.
  3. In the Setup wizard, click Next.
  4. Accept the VMware End-User License Agreement, and then click Next.
  5. Select the features you want to install.
    All features, and the space requirements for each, are listed. Currently, only ThinApp Packaged Application support is available.

    Setup Wizard Features page

    1. To check whether you have enough disk space to install the application and the selected features, click Disk Usage.
    2. Click Browse and select the location for the installation.
      The default location is C:\Program Files\VMware\Identity Manager Desktop.
  6. Click Next.
  7. Click Install.
  8. When the installation is complete, click Finish to exit the Setup wizard.


The Identity Manger Desktop application starts and its icon (Identity Manager Desktop icon) appears in the task bar, unless you deselected the Launch Identity Manager Desktop option in the Setup wizard. The application is also added to the Start menu and you can start it by selecting Start > All Programs > VMware > Identity Manager Desktop.

What to do next

Sign in to your apps portal.