The upgrade process does not differ significantly from the installation process. The values and settings you configured are automatically populated. You can verify the settings and select Next through the installer.

Supported Upgrade Path

To upgrade to version 3.3, VMware Identity Manager must be at version

VMware Identity Manager 3.1 for Windows was installed as part of the AirWatch installation for AirWatch versions 9.2. through .3.x. To upgrade from 3.1 to 3.3, see the Migrate VMware Identity Manager for Windows to 3.3 guide.

Prerequisite Steps

Before you begin the upgrade, make sure that the following steps are complete.

  • Take a snapshot of the database and the VMware Identity Manager nodes before upgrading to the latest version.

  • If you revoked the db_owner role on the Microsoft SQL database, you must add the role back before performing the upgrade, otherwise the upgrade fails. See Add the db_owner Role Before Upgrade.

  • To upgrade a VMware Identity Manager server equipped with SQL server availability groups, you must disable availability groups before you upgrade the server. After the upgrade, you must re-enable availability groups. See Disable SQL Server AlwayOn Availability Groups Before Upgrading