Device profiles contain the key mapping, device skin, and Workspace ONE Assist service signatures for full remote control. You can perform a bulk import of these device profiles onto your Workspace ONE Assist Server.


  1. Run the Resource Pack Utility file provided. The file is called "AW RM Resource Pack Version - v0xx.exe"
  2. Complete the Authentication step.
    1. Enter the Target Tenant URL specific to your environment. For example,
    2. Enter the user name and password. If new credentials have not been defined, use the default credentials.
      • User name: admin
      • Password: admin
    3. Enter the Admin URL of
    If you have not used the WBC portal yet and have not reset your default password, the Resource Pack Utility prompts you at this point to reset the password. Enter your new password and select the Update Password button to continue.
  3. Complete the Resource Import step.
    You can select one or more device profiles from the list or you can enable the Select All check box to initiate a full importation of all available device profiles.
  4. Select the Import button to continue. The log panel on the right side fills up with confirmation messages which you can review.
    The device profiles you selected are installed onto the Workspace ONE Assist server.
  5. When finished importing device profiles, select the Exit button.