Enroll your Honeywell Android devices using a sideload staging package. Create a sideload staging package, download it, and install it onto your Honeywell Android devices to enroll them automatically.
- You must create a staging package before you create a sideload staging package. See Stage Devices With a Manually Created Staging Package.
- Download the staging package and unzip the file to access the credentials.bin file.
- Download the latest Hub APK available on Workspace ONE UEM Resources. Contact your Workspace ONE UEM account manager for access to the APK.
- Download the latest Honeywell APK available on Workspace ONE UEM Resources. Contact your Workspace ONE UEM account manager for access to the APK.
- Download and install the Android Debug Bridge (ADB).
- Create a folder containing the following.
- Latest Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub for Android APK.
- Latest Honeywell OEM Service APK.
- Credentials.bin from the staging package.
- Open a text editor such as Notepad. Copy the following chunk of text and paste it into the blank notepad.
adb push credentials.bin /sdcard/credentials.bin
adb install HoneywellService.apk
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.airwatch.admin.honeywell/.HoneywellActivity
adb install Hub.apk
adb shell am start -a android.intent.action.MAIN -n com.airwatch.androidagent/com.airwatch.agent.ui.activity.SplashActivity -e hideui true
adb shell pm grant com.airwatch.androidagent android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
adb shell am broadcast -a com.airwatch.agent.action.IMPORT_CREDENTIAL_XML -e file /sdcard/credentials.bin --user 0
adb shell am broadcast -a com.airwatch.agent.action.AUTO_ENROLL --user 0
- Change the filenames and storage locations as needed.
- Save the file as autoenroll_Honeywell.bat in the same directory as the other files.
- Follow the steps described in Generate a Barcode Staging Package to generate a Honeywell Barcode for staging.
- Connect a Honeywell Android device to your PC using an ADB connection. Ensure that the device is connected to Wi-Fi.
- Run the autoenroll_Honeywell.bat file.