Workspace ONE UEM powered by AirWatch lets you subscribe to a report to receive alerts from the Monitor. Subscription enables you to access important information regarding use and other technical parameters.

Important: Any subscriptions associated with a deprecated report continue to function. They are marked as deprecated. Consider using new reports and creating subscriptions to use them.


  1. Navigate to Monitor > Reports & Analytics > Reports > List View > All Reports.
  2. Select a desired report and select the Report Subscriptions icon.
  3. On the General tab, configure the following settings.
    Setting Description
    Description Defines a descriptive name for the subscription.
    Render Format. Defines the format for the report. The default file format is comma-separated values (CSV).
    Reply To Specifies who receives the subscription.
    Subject Specifies a subject to help identify the subscription when the UEM console delivers it.
    Message Body Defines the message to explain the subscription when the UEM console delivers it.
  4. On the Parameters tab, configure applicable settings to set criteria for the scope of the report.
    These settings vary depending on the report.
  5. On the Execution tab, configure the following settings.
    Setting Description
    Once Select this option to subscribe to this report a single time.
    Daily Select this option to receive the report every time a set number of days pass.
    Weekly Select this option to receive the report on specific days of the week.

    Select this option to receive the report on a specific day of the month. You can also set the schedule to First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Last weekday of the month.

    If the recurrence is set to a day that does not occur in the month, you do not receive a report. For example, if you set recurrence to the Fourth Friday of a month, and the month only has 3 Fridays, you do not receive a report for that month. This also applies to specific days of the month such as the 31st day of a month when the month only has 30 days.

    Date/Time Set the specific day and time to receive the report.
    Range Set the end date for the subscription to the report.
  6. On the Distribution List tab, use one or all the parameters to make a distribution list to receive the subscription.
    Setting Description
    Choose Role. Select a role from the menu and click Add to List to add it to the distribution list.
    Choose User. Select individual users and click Add to List to add them to the distribution list.
    Enter Email Address. Enter the addresses of subscription recipients manually, if you know the address and click Add to List to add them to the distribution list.
    Search List Enter search parameters to find individual entries and to delete entries from the distribution list.
    Distribution List Define to whom Workspace ONE UEM sends the subscription. Create this list using the role, user, and email address entries.
    Note: Admins can edit failed or inactive subscriptions and can save them again to fix the error.