The Scheduler settings page lets you view the Workspace ONE UEM console scheduler tasks and configure the scheduler by setting the frequency with which they occur. You can also restrict individual tasks.

What can you do with the Scheduler settings page?

You can view the Workspace ONE UEM console scheduler tasks and configure the scheduler by setting the frequency with which they occur. You can also restrict individual tasks.

Scheduler Task Description
Admin Password Expiry Notification Determines how many days before an admin password expires to send an email notification.
Android Enterprise Migration Batch Release Job During Android (Legacy) migration to Android Enterprise, this task sends commands for the first batch size (300) of devices instantly. After the first 300 devices, the remaining devices will receive the command at the determined intervals. The default interval is 15 minutes.
Android Work Google Device Id Validation Job Upon enrollment into Android, the server waits for a Google generated deviceID, so that it can initiate the application assignment and push. There are a few minutes delay in getting this ID and this scheduler checks whether any new enrolled device has the ID updated and if yes, start the application sync process.
App Approval Request Cleanup Job Set how often the system cleans up outdated application approval requests submitted to Intelligence.
App EULA Update Notification Accounts for all devices for which App EULA acceptance is pending and sends notifications. Once final notification is sent, app is removed from the device.
Application Configuration Migration Job Set how often the system moves application configuration files from the database to file storage, saving CPU cycles in the process.
Application Removal Protection Job Set the schedule to release admin approved application removal commands to devices.
Auto Renew Expiring Profile Checks for certificates that expired within a renewal grace period configured on Certificate Authority and renews them.
Auto-rotate Google Password Handles password provisioning and purging for integration with Google Sync.
BitLocker Recovery Key Rotation Job Rotates the BitLocker admin recovery key based on the values configured in the profile.
Check for macOS seeded apps upgrade Set the schedule that checks for updates to the Hub and other seeded macOS applications.
Command Publish Batch Job Set the schedule to release any previously held and batched commands.
Console Notifications Checks to see if any new notifications must be added to an admin's notification list (for example, APNs expiration notification). These notifications appear in the admin console and are emailed to the admins.
Data Driven UI Configuration Job Set the schedule to fetch updated configuration files primarily used for profile management.
Device Based VPP Apps to Track Update Checks which VPP applications at an organization group have device-based licensing and auto update enabled. This adds or removes apps from the list used by the VPP auto update scheduler job.
Device Enrollment Program Update Initiates sync command from Apple to send the added and removed devices for a DEP token at a given OG to update our records.
Email Password Removal Removes Google password generated for email from Workspace ONE UEM database.
File Encryption Migration Encrypts or decrypts the content stored in the file storage based on the settings in All Settings > Admin > Storage.
Hub Package Process Repository Watches the package repository directory for WinMo Hub packages and pulls them in to the database.
Install Application On Demand. Triggers install of Apple VPP applications upon VPP invite acceptance and triggers install of failed-eligible Apple VPP applications.
List View Export Checks if an export is requested by an admin for the device or user list view. If it has, it schedules a background job to run asynchronously. Once that background job is completed, the list view export is available for download.
MDM Application List Sample Collects the status of applications that are marked as 'MDM apps' from all the devices. Applicable only for iOS apps and devices. Scheduler is turned off by default and is enabled only for customers who request the functionality.
MDM License Count Update Checks device enrollment counts and updates the customer's license counts. Used to track product usage.
Profile Publish Batch Job

Profile publishes for CA and Tunnel profile queues the install profile command in held status is by Profile Publish Batch Job in batches.

Selects a batch and batch size, based on the settings configured in the UEM Console (under Settings > Installation > Performance Tuning for on-premises environments).

Profile Retry Circuit Breaker The amount of time the policy engine waits to retry failed device profile pushes.
Purge Job

Removes orphan application blobs from the file storage, and CDN origin server if CDN is configured.

Removes expired SDK application log files from the database. By default, the application log files expire every 14 days.

Moves any application binary blobs to the file storage from the database if the file storage is configured.

Moves non-expired SDK application log files from the database to file storage, if the file storage is configured.

Global OG data does not get impacted with respect to the changes made to the blob purge. By default, the scheduler triggers every 24 hours and can either handle 2 GB of data from the database or actively perform tasks for 2 hours.

Purge Marked For Delete This job deletes repo(s)/folder(s)/file(s) under a repository that is marked for deletion.
Query Feedback Service Checks Apple's Feedback Service for statuses and causes of failed APNs commands.
Re-queue Device Commands Applicable only for Windows devices. Identifies devices with failed application installs and re-tries installation. The number of re-try attempts and the interval for the next attempt are identified from the performance tuning settings 'Max re-try attempts for failed app install' and 'Failed Application Install Retry Interval' respectively.
Run Compliance Engine

The scheduler job evaluates compliance in scenarios where:

  • Compliance policy is created Post-enrollment.
  • Any subsequent changes are made to the compliance policy.
  • Any changes made to smart group
  • Device moves organization groups
  • Changes made to app groups
  • Certain Telecom based compliance policies are enabled
  • Apple Templates are used
S/MIME Certificate Cleanup Checks for all SMIME certificates that have completed their retention period and purges them.
Schedule OS Update Retry Job Schedule timing for installation retries for operating system updates in case initial attempt fails.
Scheduled Application Batch Release Used to release internal application install commands created and held by 'Scheduled Application Publish' job. Selects queued application batch (roundrobin). Calculates device list using configured 'Batch Size' text box of performance tuning section. Releases install commands for batch.
Scheduled Application Publish Used to trigger the installation and removal of internal applications based on newly effective assignments. Creates held batch of install commands. Creates remove commands for the immediate release.
Seed System Apps and Push to CDN Job Schedule timing for pushing system applications from apps and books to content delivery networks.
Send Apps to App Scan Vendor. Send a unique list of applications installed across entire device fleet to the configured app scan vendor.
Send VPP Invites and Apps Checks for users assigned user-based VPP apps and either sends email or device notifications inviting users or devices to participate in user-based licenses of the Volume Purchase Program.
Server Action Task Handles Time Schedule profiles. The job runs at configured intervals and takes action of Install or Remove profile as per the time span configured for Time schedule profiles.
Skeleton Profile Generation Job Set the timing for making skeleton profiles resulting from the use of escrowed credentials in device profiles. This skeleton profile ensures that when escrowed credentials are used and the normal profile flow is not invoked, the profile install status for all relevant devices is still accounted for.
Smart Group DeviceMap Cleanup Job Timing for automated cleanup of redundant and outdated device map data from smart groups.
Staged Command Data Processing Job Used to schedule the processing of bulk commands from the Device List View page.
Sync Chrome OS Devices Retrieves new Chrome OS enrollments from Google and creates a corresponding device record in Workspace ONE UEM.
Sync Directory Groups Queries the directory to grab all members of synchronized directory groups. Stores users who are part of the group in the UserGroupEnrollmentUserMapSync table. Compares those users by Distinguished Name (DN) or other unique attribute in the UserGroupEnrollmentUserMapSync table to the Mobilemanagement.EnrollmentUser table. If group is configured with add missing users enabled and User does not exist with that DN, user details are pulled from the AD using user ExternalID and stored in the Mobilemanagement.EnrollmentUser table.
Sync Directory User and Admin Attributes Queries the directory to sync user attributes based on eternalID.
Sync External Content Syncs admin repo metadata for all the repositories where admin user credentials are set in the MCM console.
Sync MEM Device Resource ID Job Syncs Google device records with Workspace ONE UEM for approving new enrollments / mobile mail configurations
Telecom Assign Plans/Roll-up Usage Calculate usage limits for devices whose Admin has enabled Telecom tracking. Necessary to run reports, populate dashboard, and have the accurate list-view for Telecom.
Temporary Session Key Clean Up Clears temporary encryption keys used to encrypt the admin provided passphrase in a downloaded configuration file. The key is removed from the database so that it is impossible to retrieve the passphrase from the configuration file after the 48-hour key rotation window has passed.
VPP Auto Update Checks iTunes for latest version of VPP applications from the list created by Device Based VPP Apps to Track Update job. Each app is checked once every 24 hours. If an update is available, the job kicks off the update command to assigned devices.
VPP Revoke Licenses Checks for users with associated licenses but no corresponding assigned application. It then issues a revoke command of the license from the user to disassociate it from the license so it can be reused.
Windows Provisioning Package Service Processor Job Timing for PPKG processing. The more provisioning packages you have and the larger they are, the longer you should set this timing.
Windows 10 Kiosk Publishing Processor Job Timing in hours for kiosk package processing. The more kiosk packages you have and the larger they are, the longer you should set this timing.
Workflow Service Used with the App store restriction, if the restriction is enabled then only one app workflow is active at a time. If there is any issue with the application installation, it deletes in 15 minutes and next one starts.