Before you can obtain audit logs for Samsung Knox, you must first configure the feature in the Workspace ONE UEM console.


  1. Navigate to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices > Devices & Users > Android > Hub Settings to configure the audit logs.
  2. Select Enable Audit Logging under Samsung Knox.
  3. Set parameters for retrieving the audit logs.
    1. Logging Level – Determines how severe an error has to be in order for it to be sent to the log file. The logging levels are listed in order or severity where Notice is the least severe and Alert is the most severe.
      • Alert
      • Critical
      • Error
      • Warning
      • Notice
  4. Set the minimum level (in percentage) of the log files that are sent to the Workspace ONE UEM console. The following text boxes determine how frequent the log files are sent.
    1. Critical Log Size – Enter a percentage (up to 70 percent) to define the critical log size. When the log file passes this percentage, a critical log size alert is sent to the admin.
    2. Maximum Log Size – Enter a percentage (up to 90 percent) to define the maximum log size. When the log file passes this percentage, a maximum log size alert is sent to the admin.
    3. Full Log size – Set to 97 percent by default. When the log file reaches this percentage, a full log size alert is sent to the admin and immediate action is required.
      Critical Log Size and Maximum Log Size are configurable. Full Log Size is required to be set at 97%.
  5. Set when the log files are automatically transmitted to the Workspace ONE UEM console.
    1. Transmits Logs Automatically – Determines when the audit logs are to be transmitted to the Workspace ONE UEM console to notify the admins of errors.
      • Never – The log file is never transmitted to the console.
      • Critical – The log file needs be at critical size to be transmitted to the console.
      • Maximum – The log file needs be at maximum size to be transmitted to the console.
      • Full – The log file needs be at full size to be transmitted to the console.
  6. Select Save.
  7. Navigate to Devices > List View > Select desired device > More > Attachments > Documents to view the log files.