When you change an active product in Workspace ONE UEM powered by AirWatch by editing one of its Components like an Event Action, Condition, or even a specific product option, problems can result. You can mitigate these problems if you deactivate the product before making changes, then reactivate the product after.

Product Inventory vs Product Option

When something changes in your product, the course you take depends entirely on what, specifically, has changed. It is helpful to think of product elements in terms of 'inventory' versus 'options'.

Product Inventory includes content like software and files. Application Install Manifests, Files Actions, and Event Actions are all considered product inventory because they are content that transfers to a device. Most of the time, changes to product inventory do not require that you Force Reprocess the product. When you change product inventory, Workspace ONE UEM queues the new job automatically.

Product Options include settings that affect the provisioning of the product. Settings such as Per App VPN, Persistent Through Enterprise Reset, Conditions, and even changing the manifest order are all product options. Changes to product options require a Force Reprocess in order for the device to receive the latest configuration.

Changing a Product Option

After making your changes to product options, take the following steps.

  1. Save the product.
  2. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Product List View and locate the newly saved product from the listing.
  3. Select the radio button to the left of the product listing.

    Result: A new button cluster appears under the Add Product button.

  4. Select the More Actions button.
  5. Select Force Reprocess.

    Result: A confirmation appears warning you that the Force Reprocess action resends Products to all assigned devices regardless of compliance status. The devices fully download and install every component of the Product manifest, even if it already exists on the device.

  6. To proceed with the Force Reprocess, select OK.

Changing an Event-Action

When you change an Event-Action, only those Event-Actions that are currently a component of an Active Product can you affect the product to which the Event-Action belongs.

To edit the Event-Action, take the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Components > Event Actions.
  2. Locate the Event-Action you want to edit and select the edit icon (The Edit icon is in the shape of a pencil.) to the left of the listing.
  3. Proceed through the Platform, Details, Conditions and Actions tabs, making edits per your preferences.
  4. On the Summary tab, select Save.
    • If no Warning screen displays, then the Event-Action is not a current component of an active product.
    • If a Warning screen displays with an Active Product name, then you must Activate or Deactivate the product shown.

Selecting Activate means that the product is effectively re-provisioned and distributed as an active job.

Selecting Deactivate resets the status of the product as inactive.

Changing a Condition

When you change a condition, the only time you can affect a product is when that condition is...
  • ...a direct component of that Active Product.


  • ...used in an Event-Action that is a component in that Active Product.

To edit the Condition, take the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Components > Conditions.
  2. Locate the Condition you want to edit and select the edit icon (The Edit icon is in the shape of a pencil.) to the left of the listing.
  3. Proceed through the Type and Details tabs, making edits per your preferences.
  4. On the Details tab, select Save when you are finished making changes.
    • If no Warning screen displays, then the Condition is not a current component of an active product.
    • If a Warning screen displays with an Active Product name, then you must Activate or Deactivate the product shown.

Selecting Activate means that the product is effectively reprovisioned and distributed as an active job.

Selecting Deactivate resets the status of the product as inactive.