XML provisioning allows you to download a custom-designed XML file to a device in a provisioning product. After the file is downloaded, it runs an install command to extract the settings from the XML file and install them on the device.


  1. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Components > Files/Actions and select Add Files/Actions.
  2. Select your platform.
  3. Enter the required settings on the General tab, then select the Files tab and upload the desired XML file and enter the destination path on the device.
  4. Select the Manifest tab and Add an Install Action for the XML file.
  5. Select Save.
  6. Navigate to Devices > Provisioning > Products List View, and select Add Product.
  7. Select your platform.
  8. Enter the General information.
  9. Select the Manifest tab.
  10. Select Install Files/Actions and select the files and actions just created.
  11. Save and Activate the product.


The product downloads to all assigned devices and the XML file successfully installs.


Windows Rugged

The following is a sample of an XML file which updates a registry setting that can be installed on a device through product provisioning.

XML Provisioning is for Windows Mobile devices only and not Windows CE devices.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<wap-provisioningdoc name="desiredDocName /V_1">
<characteristic type="com.windowspc.getregistryinfo.managed">
<reg_value value_name="KeyName"
<!–- (i.e. CommonFilesDir) --
<!-- (i.e.Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion) --
<reg_value value_name="Keyname ..." key_name="Path\...."

Windows 7
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<characteristic type="com.airwatch.getregistryinfo.winpc">
<reg_value value_name="KeyName"
<!–- (i.e. CommonFilesDir) --
<!–- (i.e. Software\Wow6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion)" --
<reg_value value_name="Keyname ..." key_name="Path\...."

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<attribute name="attribute 1" value="value 1"/>
<attribute name="attribute 2" value="value 2"/>
<attribute name="attribute 3" value="value 3"/>