You must select all the desired macOS options for your Files-Actions product component.
- Add the Manifest Actions for your macOS File-Action.
Settings Descriptions Execute Script Runs the selected script on the device. This command supports .sh and .scpt files.
You must enter the script file path and name. Select Execute as Root to run the script as the Root user. If you do not enable this option, the script runs as the user currently logged in.
Install Install files on the device. This is accomplished using command lines. Supports the following file types. macOS
DMG, PKG, or APP (zipped)
If the DMG file contains an APP file, Workspace ONE UEM moves the APP file to the /Applications folder. If the DMG contains a PKG or MPKG file, extract the file from the DMG and push the PKG or MPKG directly.
Workspace ONE UEM supports installing and managing .app files as internal applications which provide additional control for removing apps upon unenrollment.
Run Use the manifest to run an application. This is accomplished using command lines. The Run command must use the syntax of "\[full file path]". For example, \program files\program.exe.
You must select the context of the command. Select whether the command runs at the system level, the user level, or the admin account level.
For Windows Rugged devices, Workspace ONE UEM supports 3 file types, EXE, AWS, and LNK. The EXE is the app itself while AWS is the AirWatch supported scripting language. LNK files support an inferred execution based on the file extension. For example, if a DOC file is run, the device would use whatever app is associated with DOC files.
Note: With macOS devices, you can run any root command that you normally use within Terminal. The Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub automatically appends sudo before running any command.Uninstall Uninstall a program or application on the device. You must enter the application name.
Note: The Uninstall Manifest is for deleting files when a product is removed. If you remove a product from a device, any files installed remain on the device until uninstalled using an Uninstall Manifest. - When finished adding actions to the Manifest, select Save.