Once you configure an application, add a single assignment or multiple assignments. If you add multiple assignments, prioritize the importance of the assignment by moving its place in the list up for most important or down for least important.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Apps > Native > Internal or Public.
  2. Upload an application and select Save & Assign or select the application and choose Assign from the actions menu.
  3. Select Add Assignment and complete the following options.
    Setting Description
    Select Assignment Groups Enter a smart group name to select the groups of devices to receive the assignment.

    Deployment Begins

    Set a day of the month and a time of day for the deployment to start.

    The Priority setting governs which deployments push first. Workspace ONE UEM then pushes deployments according to the Effective configuration.

    To set a beginning date with enough bandwidth for successful deployment, consider the traffic patterns of your network .

    App Delivery Method
    • On Demand – Deploys content to a catalog or other deployment Hub and lets the device user decide if and when to install the content.

      This option is the best choice for content that is not critical to the organization. Allowing users to download the content when they want helps conserve bandwidth and limits unnecessary traffic.

    • Automatic – Deploys content to a catalog or other deployment Hub on a device upon enrollment. After the device enrolls, the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub automatically installs the app without needing user interaction.

      This option is the best choice when it is critical to your organization and its mobile users.

    Keep app updated automatically This setting is only available if you select the On Demand deployment method.

    This setting is activated by default. Keep this setting activated to deploy new versions of the apps from the UEM console to devices that have already installed the apps. This does not apply to devices that have not installed the app.

    Display in App Catalog Toggle the switch to show or hide an internal or public application in the catalog.
    Note: This setting is applicable only to the Workspace ONE Catalog and not legacy VMware AirWatch Catalog. Use this feature to hide applications in the app catalog you do not want users to access.
    Allow User to Uninstall from Catalog This setting is only available if you select the On Demand deployment method and activate the Display in App Catalog setting.

    This setting is deactivated by default. Toggle the switch to allow the app to be removed from the catalog by the device user. The device user can remove only the allowed apps.

  4. Select Create.
  5. Select Add Assignment to add new app assignments for your application.
  6. If you have more than one assignment, use the Priority settting's drop-down menu to modify the priority of your assignments. Place critical assignments at the top of the list. The Priority setting takes precedence when there are conflicting deployments assigned to a single device.
  7. Select Save & Publish.

Manage your macOS Software Distribution Updates

Once the macOS application or software is deployed, the deployed application or software can be managed from the Workspace ONE UEM console. You can manage updates by uploading a new version of the file onto the UEM console.

  1. Navigate to Resources > Apps > Native.
  2. Select the application that you want to update.
  3. On the top right of the Details page, select Add Version.
  4. Upload the installer and the .pkginfo file of the new version.
  5. If necessary, perform additional changes and then Save.
  6. Select Save & Assign.