This section helps you understand how to troubleshoot problems related to the macOS software distribution process. It also details you on the path to verify the logs.

Troubleshooting Issues

  • How to verify on the device locally that an application is assigned?

    All assigned applications are shown in /Library/Application\ Support/Workspace ONE UEM/Data/Munki/Munki_Repo/manifests/device_manifest.plist in the managed_installs array.

    Furthermore, all assigned applications have their corresponding pkginfo stored in the catalog plist at /Library/Application\ Support/Workspace ONE UEM/Data/Munki/Munki_Repo/catalogs/device_catalog.plist.

  • How to verify on the console that an application is assigned?

    In the internal applications List View page, select the application to go to the application Details page. Then select the Devices tab. This page shows the application install statuses for all assigned and enrolled devices.

  • How to get direct access to Munki logs?

    Munki Logs can be directly accessed on the device in the path:

    /Library/Application Support/Workspace ONE UEM/Data/Munki/Managed\Installs/Logs/, where they are saved as ManagedSoftwareUpdate.log files.

  • Where to look for device report data on the UEM console?

    The UEM console reports data from the device in a few locations.

    • Navigate to Resources > Apps > Native > Internal. Select an application and access Application Details > Devices tab to view the install statuses for each device.
    • Navigate to Devices & Users > Devices > List View and select a device to access Device Details > Troubleshooting tab. You can view the activities performed on the device and filtering options to show the information relating to the software distribution.