Knox browser restrictions helps to minimize vulnerability and maximize security as end-users access the corporate container using the browser to view and use internal content.


  1. Navigate to Devices > Profiles & Resources > Profiles > Add > Add Profile > Android (Legacy).
  2. Select Container.
  3. Configure the profile's General settings. These General profile settings determine how the profile is deployed and who receives it.
  4. Select the Browser payload and configure the settings accordingly.
    Setting Description
    Allow Pop-Ups Enables Pop-up browser setting to allow or prevent any web site from launching a new browser window when the user navigates to a web site that invokes such action.
    Allow Cookies Applies to the native Android browser to allow or prevent any web site from storing cookies related to the web site on the device.
    Allow Auto Fill Applies to the native Android browser to allow or prevent any web site from providing autofill suggestions when a user is filling in form data on the webpage, even if the user has previously filled in the form.
    Allow JavaScript Applies to the native Android browser to allow or prevent the browser from running JavaScript code for a web site.
    Force Fraud Warning

    Applies to the native Android browser to force the browser to show an untrusted certificate security warning to the user when applicable.

  5. Select Save & Publish.