Adding assignments and exclusions lets you schedule multiple deployment scenarios for a single application. You can configure deployments for applications for a specific time and let the Workspace ONE UEM console carry out the deployments without further interaction. You can add a single assignment or multiple assignments to control your application deployment and prioritize the importance of the assignment by moving its place in the list up for most important or down for least important. Also, you can also exclude groups from receiving the assignment.

The flexible deployment feature resides in the Assign sections of the application area and offers advantages to the assigning process. You can also exclude groups from receiving the assignment from the Exclusions tab.
  • Assign multiple deployments simultaneously.
  • Order assignment so that the right distribution criteria and app policies get applied to your devices.
  • Customize distribution and app policies for one or more smart groups.


  1. Navigate to Resources > Apps > Native > Internal or Public.
  2. Upload an application and select Save & Assign or select the application and select Assign from the actions menu.
  3. On the Assignments tab, select Add Assignment and complete the following options.
    1. In the Distribution tab, enter the following information:
      Platform-specific configurations are listed separately.
      Setting Description
      Name Enter the assignment name.
      Description Enter the assignment description.
      Assignment Groups Enter a smart group name to select the groups of devices to receive the assignment.
      Deployment Begins On Deployment Begins On is available only for internal applications.Set a day of the month and a time of day for the deployment to start.

      For successful deployment, consider traffic patterns of your network before you set a beginning date with bandwidth.

      App Delivery Method
      • On Demand – Deploys content to a catalog or other deployment agent and lets the device user decide if and when to install the content.

        This option is the best choice for content that is not critical to the organization. Allowing users to download the content when they want helps conserve the bandwidth and limits unnecessary traffic.

      • Automatic – Deploys content to a catalog or other deployment Hub on a device upon enrollment. After the device enrolls, the system prompts users to install the content on their devices.

        This option is the best choice for content that is critical to your organization and its mobile users.

      Table 1. Platform-specific Setting
      Platform Setting Description
      macOS and Windows Display in App Catalog Select Show or Hide to display an internal or public application in the catalog.
      Note: The Show or Hide option is applicable only to the Workspace ONE Catalog and not legacy VMware AirWatch Catalog.

      Use this feature to hide applications in the app catalog you do not want users to access.

      Windows Application Transforms This option is visible when your app has transform files associated. Select the transform file that must be used on the devices selected in the Distribution section.

      If the transform file selection is changed after the app is installed, the update does not get applied on the devices. Only the newly added devices which do not have the app installed receives the updated transform.

    2. In the Restrictions tab, enter the following information:
      Platform Setting Description
      Android and iOS EMM Managed Access Enable adaptive management to set Workspace ONE UEM to manage the device so that the device can access the application.

      Workspace ONE controls this feature and not AirWatch Catalog.

      Only the devices that are enrolled in EMM are allowed to install the app and receive app policies when you enable this setting.

      The setting only impacts Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub users not the legacy AirWatch Catalog users.

      iOS Remove on Unenroll Set the removal of the application from a device when the device unenrolls from Workspace ONE UEM.

      If you choose to enable this option, supervised devices are restricted from the silent app installation.

      If you choose to disable this option, provisioning profiles are not pushed with the installed application. That is, if the provisioning profile is updated, the new provisioning profile is not automatically deployed to devices. In such cases, a new version of the application with the new provisioning profile is required.

      iOS Prevent Application Backup Prevent backing up the application data to iCloud.
      iOS Prevent Removal If you enable this setting, the user is prevented from uninstalling the app. This is supported in iOS 14 and later.
      iOS and Windows Make App MDM Managed if User Installed Assume management of applications previously installed by users on their iOS devices (supervised and unsupervised) and Windows Desktop. MDM management occurs automatically regardless of the application delivery method and requires privacy settings to allow the collection of personal applications. For unsupervised iOS devices, the apps get converted to MDM managed only upon the user’s approval.

      Enable this feature so that users do not have to delete the application version installed on the device. Workspace ONE UEM manages the application without having to install the application catalog version on the device.

    3. In the Tunnel tab, enter the following information:
      Platform Setting Description
      Android Android Select the Per-App VPN Profile you like to use for the application and configure a VPN at the application level.
      Android Android Legacy Select the Per-App VPN Profile you like to use for the application and configure a VPN at the application level.
      iOS Per-App VPN Profile Select the Per-App VPN Profile you like to use for the application.
      iOS Other Attributes App attributes provide device-specific details for apps to use. For example, when you want to set a list of domains that are associated to a distinct organization.
    4. In the Application Configuration tab, enter the following information:
      Setting Description
      Android Send application configurations to devices.

      Upload XML (Apple iOS) – Select this option to upload an XML file for your iOS applications that automatically populates the key-value pairs. Get the configurations supported by an application from the developer in XML format.

      Note: You might see additional configuration tabs while configuring productivity apps. For example, if you are configuring a Workspace ONE Notebook application, Account Settings and App policies are displayed. For more information, go to the productivity app documentation.
  4. Select Create.
  5. Select Add Assignment to add new app assignments for your application.
  6. Configure flexible deployment settings for your application by editing the schedules and priority for your deployments. Options that are displayed on this window are platform-specific.
    Setting Description
    Copy From the ellipses-vertical, you can click copy if you choose to duplicate the assignment configurations.
    Delete From the ellipses-vertical, you can delete to remove the selected assignment from the application deployment.

    You can modify the priority of the assignment you configured from the drop-down menu while placing the selected assignment in the list of assignments. Priority 0 is the most important assignment and takes precedence over all other deployments. Your devices receive all the restrictions distribution policies and the app configuration policies from the assignment group which has the highest priority.

    If a device belongs to more than one smart group and you assign these smart groups to an application with several flexible deployments, the device receives the scheduled flexible deployment with the most immediate Priority. As you assign smart groups to flexible deployments, remember that a single device can belong to more than one smart group. In turn, one device can be assigned to more than one flexible deployment for the same application.

    For example, if Device 01 belongs to Smart Group HR and Smart Group Training. You configure and assign two flexible deployments for application X, which include both Smart Groups. Device 01 now has two assignments for application X.

    • Priority 0 = Smart Group HR, to deploy in 10 days with On Demand.
    • Priority 1 = Smart Group Training, to deploy now with Auto.

    Device 01 receives the priority 0 assignment and gets the application in 10 days because of the assignments priority rating. Device 01 does not receive the priority 1 assignment.

    Assignment Name View the assignment name.
    Description View the assignment description.
    Smart Groups View the assigned smart group.
    App Delivery Method View how the application pushes to devices. Auto pushes immediately through the AirWatch Catalog with no user interaction. On Demand pushes to devices when the user initiates an installation from a catalog.
    EMM Managed Access View whether the application has adaptive management enabled.

    When you enable this setting, the end-user is allowed to access the applications using Workspace ONE SDK only when it is EMM managed. To avoid any disruption to the service, ensure to take over management if the 'user installed' flag is enabled.

  7. Select the Exclusions tab and enter smart groups, organization groups, and user groups to exclude from receiving this application.
    • The system applies exclusions from application assignments at the application level.
    • Consider the organization group (OG) hierarchy when adding exclusions. Exclusions at a parent OG do not apply to the devices at the child OG. Exclusions at a child OG do not apply to the devices at the parent OG. Add exclusions at the desired OG.
  8. Select Save & Publish.