Workspace ONE AirLift exports Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) applications so you can add the applications toWorkspace ONE UEM. This export simplifies the process of migrating your applications to Workspace ONE UEM without the need for repackaging.

Workspace ONE AirLift displays your existing ConfigMgr applications and the relevant validation information. The applications display in the Applications list view with relevant information. These applications must be an .MSI or .EXE (using the script installer deployment type) file type. You can also use ZIP files. Workspace ONE AirLift supports file system and Windows Installer detection methods. If your application uses MST and MSP files, Workspace ONE AirLift includes those files in the export.

The Validation column displays the application validation status. If the install context of an application is set to both system and user install context, AirLift defaults to Device context in Workspace ONE UEM.

Consider exporting the applications with a green Validation status first. Apps with red or yellow statuses might require additional configuration.

The Status column displays the export status of your applications.

You can review the state of your application validation by selecting the Report button. This button download a .CSV file onto your machine that reviews the state of all your application validations.

The Workspace Application column displays the name of the application after it is added to Workspace ONE UEM.

Workspace ONE AirLift General Considerations

Exporting applications from Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (ConfigMgr) requires specific considerations. Workspace ONE AirLift handles deployment types and detection methods based on rules.

Workspace ONE AirLift supports exporting apps with file, registry, and Windows installer based ditection criteria. Additionally, you can manually configure the app deployment options to set When To Call Install Complete in the Workspace ONE UEM console.

ConfigMgr application dependencies are not transferred as part of the application export function.

The Application Export page lists the corresponding Workspace ONE UEM application name if the exported application has a matching name. After a successful export, you can edit or rename the application as needed. This edit removes the linkage to the Workspace Application from the column in the Workspace ONE AirLift application export page.

Workspace ONE UEM stores each binary as a unique value to prevent multiple imports of the same application. This binary value also prevents a repeat app export of the same application. If you want to export an app again, consider deleting the application from Workspace ONE UEM and then exporting the application again from Workspace ONE AirLift. The application export feature involves transferring the application binaries and the configuration metadata which can take a significant amount of time depending on connectivity between Workspace ONE AirLift and Workspace ONE UEM.

You can only select and export apps one page at a time. This restriction increases the predictability and success of the app export function. Consider sorting the columns to target the list of application you want to export. Also consider using the activity log to track the progress of the application export process.

Apps with Multiple Deployment Types

Workspace ONE AirLift addresses applications with multiple deployment types by reviewing the specific OS requirements and platform support to select the right deployment type. Use the validation messages to see which deployment type Workspace ONE AirLift uses for the app export.

The validation process uses the following logic:

  1. If any OS version information exists in the ConfigMgr requirements, Workspace ONE AirLift uses the application with the latest OS version.
  2. If no OS version specifications exist, Workspace ONE AirLift looks for RuleID: Windows/All_Windows_Client_Server.
  3. If there are multiple Windows 10 requirements, Workspace ONE AirLift choses the x64 version over x86 version.
  4. If there is not a best choice or an acceptable choice in the deployment list, Workspace ONE AirLift selects nothing and reports there are no valid deployment types.

Export ConfigMgr Applications to Workspace ONE UEM

Export your ConfigMgr applications to Workspace ONE UEM through Workspace ONE AirLift. This process moves your existing application lists to Workspace ONE UEM to simplify moving to modern management.

  1. In Workspace ONE AirLift, navigate to the Applications tab and select the application you want to export.
  2. Select Export.
  3. In the Export Applications dialog, select the Workspace ONE Organization Group you want to export the app to.The application export process begins. After the app has been exported, the status changes to Exported.
  4. To open the Applications Details View in the Workspace ONE UEM console, select the Workspace Application hyperlink.

    Selecting the hyperlink opens the Workspace ONE UEM console. From the console, you can finish the app assignment.