Workspace ONE UEM customers currently deployed under Android (Legacy) can migrate to Android Work profile mode to manage their Android devices. This use case walks you through the creating Smart Groups, creating a new migration, and tracking the status of the migration.

The Workspace ONE UEM console provides a seamless process that helps you create Smart Groups to migrate all devices from Android (Legacy) to Android Work Profile deployment.


Before you migrate, you will need to create Smart Groups for all devices that are being migrated. You can create separate groups for staging a small number of devices for testing purposes before you deploy to all your devices.


  1. Select the applicable Organization Group (OG) to which your new smart group applies and from which it can be managed. Selecting an OG is optional.
  2. Navigate to Groups & Settings > Groups > Assignment Groups and then select Add Smart Group
  3. Enter a Name for the smart group.
  4. Configure the Smart Group type:
    • Criteria: This option works best for groups with large numbers of devices (more than 500) that receive general updates. This method works best because the inherent details of these groups can reach all endpoints of your mobile fleet.
    • Devices or Users: This option works best for groups with smaller numbers of devices (500 or fewer) that receive sporadic, although important, updates. This method works best because of the granular level at which you can select group members.
    Note: Switching between the two smart group types will erase any entries and selections you might have made.

    At least one device deployed as Android (legacy) needs to be selected as eligible for migration or you will get errors while setting up the migration.

  5. Select Save.

What to do next

After your Smart Groups are created, you are ready to walk through the prerequites to begin the migration.