Configure application groups, or app groups, so that you can use the groups in your compliance policies. Take set actions on devices that do not comply with the installing, updating, or removing applications.

You assign application groups to organization groups. When you assign the application group to a parent organization group, the child organization groups inherit the application group configurations.


  1. Navigate to Resources > Apps > Settings > App Groups.
  2. Select Add Group.
  3. Complete options on the List tab.
    Setting Description
    Type Select the type of application group you want to create depending on the desired outcome: allow applications, block applications, or require application installations.

    If your goal is to group custom MDM applications, select MDM Application. You must enable this option for it to display in the menu.

    Platform Select the platform for the application group.
    Name Enter a display name for the application group in the Workspace ONE UEM console.
    Add Application Display text boxes that enable you to search for applications to add to the application group.
    Application Name Enter the name of an application to search for it in the respective app store.
    Application ID Review the string that automatically completes when you use the search function to search for the application from an app store.
    Add Publisher - Windows Phone Select for Windows Phone to add multiple publishers to application groups.

    Publishers are organizations that create applications.

    Combine this option with Add Application entries to create exceptions for the publisher entries for detailed whitelists and blacklists on Windows Phone.

  4. Select Next to navigate to an application control profile. You must complete and apply an application control profile for Windows Phone. You can use an application control profile for Android devices.
  5. Complete settings on the Assignment tab.
    Setting Description
    Description Enter the purpose of the application group or any other pertinent information.
    Device Ownership Select the type of devices to which the application group applies.
    Model Select device models to which the application group applies.
    Operating System Select operating systems to which the application group applies.
    Managed By View or edit the organization group that manages the application group.
    Organization Group Add more organization groups to which the application group applies.
    User Group Add user groups to which the application group applies.
  6. Select Finish to complete configurations.