Install the Platform OEM Service (POEM) to gain additional MDM capabilities that only pertain to a specific OEM device.

The Platform OEM Service for each OEM is available on AirWatch Resources but requires you to be whitelisted (contact Workspace ONE Support). You must download the APK and either sideload it onto devices or configure it as an internal application in the Workspace ONE UEM console .


  1. Download the appropriate Platform OEM Service from AirWatch Resources.
  2. Enroll the Android device into the Workspace ONE UEM console.
  3. Either sideload the Platform OEM Service onto the device or configure it to push as an internal application from the Workspace ONE UEM console.
  4. If you push the Platform OEM Service as an internal app, users are prompted to install it.
  5. The example below shows how to run the AirWatch Samsung Service for Android devices.

    After installing the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub, you are automatically prompted to begin installing the service app. Select Install, when prompted.

    Once it installs, you are prompted to activate the device administrator. Select Activate.


    The blue screen indicates the Service Application upload is successful.



    View the homepage to see the successfully downloaded Hub and Service Application.


    In order to install the Samsung Service App, enable Push Service App from Play Store in the Workspace ONE UEM console under Devices > Device Settings > Android > Service Applications Service Applications. Otherwise, end users must first enable Allow Non-Market Applications in device settings.