Deploy a display profile to devices to control the brightness of the display. You can also set how long the device stays awake before shutting off the screen.

This profile can only be used by Motorola Rugged devices running Android.


  1. Navigate to Resources > Profiles & Baselines > Profiles > Add > Add Profile > Android (Legacy).
  2. Select Device to deploy your profile to a device.
  3. Configure the profile's General settings.
  4. Configure the Display settings, including:
    Setting Description
    Display Brightness Set the slider to the brightness level you want to lock-in on the device.
    Enable Auto-Rotate Screen Allows the screen to auto-rotate.
    Set Sleep Choose the amount of time before the screen will set to sleep mode.
    Enable Stay Awake Allow the device to not go to sleep mode.
  5. Select Save & Publish to push the profile to devices.