To use shared device functionality on Android devices, enroll the device using the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub, set the Workspace ONE Launcher application as the default home screen, and create and assign the Launcher profile. Workspace ONE Launcher is automatically downloaded during enrollment, but you will need to determine which version of the Launcher is pushed to devices.


  1. Navigate to Devices > Device Settings > Android > Service Applications.
  2. Configure the applicable settings:
    Setting Description
    Always use the Latest Version of Launcher If this setting is enabled, the latest version of the app automatically pushes to devices when it becomes available.
    Launcher Version Manually choose the version you want to deploy from the drop-down menu.
  3. Select Save.
  4. Navigate to Devices > Profiles & Resources >  Profiles > Add > Add Profile > Android > Launcher and configure the Launcher profile at each child organization group. This profile should contain all of the necessary settings common to that organization group.
    Important: Make sure to enable the Persist Admin Passcode If Launcher Profile Is Removed From Device setting, as this will ensure that the staging user, as well as the shared device Users are not permitted to exit the Launcher without entering the Administrative Passcode.
    Do not assign the Launcher profile to a staging user.
  5. Enroll the device into the enrollment organization group using the staging user. The Launcher .apk installs and the login screen appears, by default.
    Note: The Launcher .apk needs to be installed before the Launcher profile is pushed as a part of the Shared Device settings.
  6. Enter the shared device user Group ID, Name, and Password to log in, assigning the device to the Shared Device User and the proper child organization group. The Launcher profile will be applied to the device, and the console will reflect which user is logged in to the device.
    Important: Only enter the Group ID if you selected Prompt for Organization Group in the Group Organization Group assignment mode under the shared device settings.
  7. Log out of the Launcher profile on the device. This reassigns the device back to the staging user, moves the device back to the original enrollment organization group, and removes the Launcher profile.