As a Workspace ONE UEM admin, you determine the maximum number of devices that can be affected by a bulk management action that you and other admins make. Next to each action, enter the maximum number of allowable device changes that you want to occur at once.

Configure bulk action settings by navigating to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > Advanced > Bulk Management.

What can you do with the Workspace ONE UEM Bulk Management settings page?

The Bulk Management settings page allows you to:
  • Select a reasonable maximum number of devices that are appropriate for the action.
    • For example, the Query action is asking the device to "report in." Query has a low risk in terms of potential affect it has on the device. So the maximum number of devices you select for Query can be large.
    • However, an action like Device Wipe carries a very high risk to the device itself. The maximum number of devices that can be wiped, by you and other admins, must be a number that you are comfortable with. Because Device Wipe and Enterprise Wipe are such a large risks, you can configure a safeguard called Wipe Protection, which is independent of the maximums you select here.

Keep in mind that not all devices are capable of executing all available remote actions. The bulk action option will not be available if your selected devices include a device that cannot execute the action in question.

For example, if your Warm Boot maximum is set to 1000 and you select 500 devices to warm boot, if even one device out of the 500 selected does not support remote warm booting, the bulk action option will not be available to select.

Setting Description
Query Enter the maximum number of device queries you can run in a bulk command.
Send Message Enter the maximum number of devices that can receive a bulk message.
Enterprise Wipe Enter the maximum number of devices you may wipe in a bulk command.
Delete Device Enter the maximum number of devices you may remove from Workspace ONE UEM as part of a bulk command.
Enterprise Reset Enter the maximum number of devices you may invoke an enterprise reset in a bulk command.
Device Wipe Enter the maximum number of devices you may wipe in a bulk command.
Lock Device Enter the maximum number of devices you may lock in a bulk command.
GPS Enter the maximum number of devices from which you may request GPS data in a bulk command.
Change Organization Group Enter the maximum number of devices for which you may change the organization group in a bulk command.
Change Ownership Enter the maximum number of ownership changes you may invoke upon devices as part of a bulk command.
Warm Boot Enter the maximum number of devices you may invoke a warm boot operation in a bulk command.
Provision Now Enter the maximum number of devices you may concurrently provision as part of a bulk command.
Shutdown and Reboot Enter the maximum number of devices upon which you may invoke a shutdown and reboot bulk command.
Do Not Disturb Enter the maximum number of devices you may set to Do Not Disturb as part of a bulk command.
Assign/Unassign Tag Enter the maximum number of devices to which you are able to add a bulk tag.
Enable Lost Mode Enter the maximum number of devices for which you may enable lost mode in a bulk command.
Disable Lost Mode Enter the maximum number of devices for which you may disable lost mode in a bulk command.
Custom Command Enter the maximum number of devices upon which you may invoke a custom bulk command.
iOS Update Enter the maximum number of iOS devices whose operating systems can be updated concurrently as part of a bulk command.