Device Groups is a legacy setting that defines a group of devices without reference to their location. In the current version of Workspace ONE UEM, this functionality is much better served by making use of device tags or smart groups.

Configure legacy device group settings by navigating to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > Advanced > Device Groups.

What can you do with the Workspace ONE UEM Device Groups settings page?

  • You can configure a better device collective by using the Smart Groups feature and by creating and assigning Device Tags.
Setting Description
Add New Device Group

Select this button to display the Add New Device Group screen and complete the following options.

  • Device Group – Required field used to label the device group.
  • Organization Group – Required field used to identify the OG in which this device group resides.
  • Location – This optional field allows you to define a single location for the device group, independent from the organization group.
  • Description – Enter a description of the device group's purpose.