Android EMM Registration lets you configure the various options for integrating with Android. This page uses a wizard to help you set up the integration for devices. Enable these settings before beginning enrollment.

What can you do with Android EMM Registration Settings page

To access the Workspace ONE Intelligent Hub Settings navigate to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > Android > Android EMM Registration.

  • Register Workspace ONE UEM as your Enterprise Mobility Management (EMM) provider with Google

  • Configure G-suite settings

Determine your Organization group hierarchy

Before you review and modify the settings, understand the two types of inheritance/override options for the organization group hierarchy available at the top and bottom of the settings page and determine your choice. For more information about these settings, see Override Versus Inherit Setting for Organization Groups.
  • Current Setting – Select whether to Inherit or Override the displayed settings. Inherit means use the settings of the current organization group's parent OG, while Override enables the settings for editing so you can modify the current OG's settings directly.
  • Child Permission – Select the available behavior of child organization groups that exist below the currently selected organization group. Inherit only means child OGs are only allowed to inherit these settings. Override only means they override the settings, and Inherit or Override means you can choose to inherit or override settings in child OGs that exist below the currently selected OG.


The Configuration page shows Google Admin Console Settings and Google API settings after successful Android EMM registration.

Enrollment Settings

Setting Description
Work Managed Enrollment Type (non-G suite only)

Choose if devices should be associated with the enrollment user or device.

When using paid apps, User Based is preferred for optimal license allocation and most BYOD use cases. For scenarios where a single user will not be associated with the device (such as Kiosks), Device Based is preferred.

If you are operating on a closed network or cannot communicate with Google Play, select AOSP/Closed Network. A Google account is not created on these devices. Public app management through managed Google Play is not available using AOSP/Closed Network Enrollment. This setting will only apply to the devices enrolled with that organization group. The Parent Organization can still have devices on Work Managed enrollment using a Google account.

In some instances, you might want to enroll GMS and non-GMS devices in the same organization group without having to create multiple organization groups for device management. If you are using QR code enrollment for these devices, you can configure the Enrollment Configuration wizard to force AOSP/ Closed Network enrollment regardless of the enrollment type set in this field.

Fully-Managed Device Enrollments

Choose whether enrolled devices will use Work Managed Device or Corporate Owned Personally Enabled mode.

  • Work Managed Device is a fully-managed device that will be locked down providing employees with access to corporate apps only and no access to personal apps through the Google Play Store.
  • Corporate Owned Personally Enabled provides all the benefits of complete device management, but employees will receive a Work Profile to access corporate apps and will still have access to their personal Google Play Store outside of the Work Profile. This enrollment type is only available on Android 8.0+.
Work Profile Enterprise Wipe User Message Customize a toast message to display on user devices when you have performed an enterprise wipe from the UEM console. When you perform and enterprise wipe from the Device Details page, this message is also generated.

The user does not need to take any action on their device. The message displays after the enterprise wipe is complete.

For more information on Android Device modes, see the topic Understanding Android Device Modes from the Workspace ONE UEM Android Platform Guide found on

Enrollment Restrictions

Setting Description
Define the enrollment method for this Organization Group

Select whether to Always use Android, or Always Use Android (Legacy), Define assignment group that use Android.

If you select Define Assignment Group that use Android, all unassigned devices default to use Android (Legacy).

Assignment Groups

Select a smart group from the drop-down menu.

When a smart group(s) is selected, devices or users that do not belong to that group(s) will go through Android legacy enrollment (device administrator). Devices that belong to smart group will enroll in Work Profile or Work Managed assuming they support these enrollment modes.

Allow Work Profile Enrollment Use this field to block Work Profile enrollment for devices that are being managed under COPE enrollment. When enabled, this prevent users from adding employee-owned devices to this Organization Group.