As an admin, you can configure various options that affect the macOS Intelligent Hub application. Use these settings to determine how often to collect data from devices, to allow passcode enforcement through Hub message prompts, to allow AirWatch Cloud Messaging so that devices receive push notifications and information about updates when available, and to choose how and when to allow updates.

The path to the Apple macOS Hub Settings page on the UEM console is Groups & Settings > All Settings > Apple > Apple macOS > Intelligent Hub Settings.

What can you do with the Apple macOS Intelligent Hub Settings page?

With the Apple macOS Intelligent Hub Settings page, you can:

  • Collect and send data samples to the Intelligent Hub UEM server.
  • Enable security and privacy options.
  • Enter Scripts & Sensors path for running Bash or Python scripts.
  • Enable Intelligent Hub automatic updates and version upgrades.

Determine your Organization group hierarchy

Before you review and modify the settings, understand the two types of inheritance/override options for the organization group hierarchy available at the top and bottom of the settings page and determine your choice. For more information about these settings, see Override Versus Inherit Setting for Organization Groups.

  • Current Setting – Select whether to Inherit or Override the displayed settings. Inherit means use the settings of the current organization group's parent OG, while Override enables the settings for editing so you can modify the current OG's settings directly.
  • Child Permission – Select the available behavior of child organization groups that exist below the currently selected organization group. Inherit only means child OGs are only allowed to inherit these settings. Override only means they override the settings, and Inherit or Override means you can choose to inherit or override settings in child OGs that exist below the currently selected OG.


Table 1. General
Setting Description
Always Use the Latest Version of the Hub Select this check box to use the latest version of the Hub.
Hub Version

In the dropdown, the versions of Intelligent Hub that are compatible with your current console version will be displayed.

Select the specific Intelligent Hub version that you wish to deploy from the available versions. The specified Intelligent Hub version is deployed to devices during the following scenarios:

  • New devices enrolled with Automated Device Enrollment through Apple Business or School Manager
  • New devices enrolled with web-based enrollment
  • Using the Install Intelligent Hub for macOS option under More Actions on the Device Details page for a specific device
The specified version of the Intelligent Hub is also available to devices that have an older version of the Hub installed if Automatic Updates are enabled for the macOS Intelligent Hub Settings, or if the user manually checks for updates through the Intelligent Hub.
Note: Attempting to install an older version of the Intelligent Hub on a device that already has a newer version installed is not supported, and may result in unexpected behavior unless the Intelligent Hub is fully uninstalled and then reinstalled. If an older version of the Intelligent Hub is specified to be deployed, any devices that already have a newer version of the Intelligent Hub installed will not attempt to auto-update to the older version, but newly enrolled devices will receive the specified older version.
Note: If you have selected an older version of the Intelligent Hub and then perform a UEM upgrade to a UEM version that no longer supports the specified version of the Intelligent Hub, the selection will automatically update to the oldest version of the Intelligent Hub supported by the UEM version. This will result in newly enrolled devices receiving this version of the Intelligent Hub, and existing devices may update to this version as well.
Install Hub after Enrollment Activate or deactivate the option to automatically install the Hub on devices after enrollment through Apple Business Manager's DEP or Web enrollment.

Install Workflow Engine after Enrollment: Activate or deactivate the option to automatically install a required supplemental component for Freestyle Orchestrator and Scripts. This seeded component is governed by the Auto-Update setting as Hub.

Check-in Interval Enter the frequency for the Hub to check in with the server to receive new commands.
Data Sample Interval Enter the frequency for the Hub to scan devices to collect data such as product provisioning status, disk encryption status, custom attributes, GPS location, and other basic system information.
Data Transmit Interval Enter the frequency for the Hub to send data samples to the Hub UEM server.
Uninstall Privileges Activate or deactivate the option to provide end users the ability to uninstall the Hub application from their devices.
Table 2. Security
Setting Description
Enforce Password Prompts you to enter the password. If the option is restricted, you will only be prompted when you have logged out and logging in back.
Table 3. Privacy
Setting Description
Request to collect Location Data Select this option to collect the GPS location data.
Show Privacy Screen This option displays standard privacy screen upon your first launch.
  • Privacy link - Redirects to the VMware Privacy page.
  • Request to collect Crash Reports - Enable this option to select the crash report and send the details to UEM server.
Show user Privacy Prompt for log collection When you enable this option, a privacy prompt is displayed with Hub log collection and send details.
Table 4. Scripts & Sensors
Setting Details
Bash Path By default the path is set to /bin/bash.Over ride the path for running bash scripts.
Python 3 Path By default, the path is set to /usr/local/hub/python3. Over ride the path for running Python scripts.
Zsh Path By default, the path is set to /bin/zsh. Over ride the path for running Zsh scripts.
Table 5. AirWatch Cloud Messaging
Setting Details
Use AWCM Use Airwatch Cloud Messaging option to allow real time communication between the server and the Intelligent Hub. By default, the option is enabled. If you turn off this option, the commands and samples will not be received by the Hub until the next scheduled check-in.
Table 6. Intelligent Hub Updates
Setting Details
Automatic Updates When this option is enabled, it automatically checks if the Intelligent Hub updates are available. If this option is restricted, you need to manually check the updates within the Intelligent Hub.
Upgrade Silently By default, this option is enabled. Upgrades will automatically install without prompting the user. If you turn off this option, the user will be prompted if there are any upgrades.