The Message Templates settings page lets you create and manage communication templates for use within other areas of the Workspace ONE UEM console. These communications include emails, SMS, and direct push messages.

Configure Message Template settings by navigating to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Devices & Users > General > Message Templates.

What can you do with the Workspace ONE UEM Message Templates settings page?

The Message Templates settings page allows you to:

  • Create several types of message templates, including those for enrollment, applications, compliance, and so on.
  • Use the Filters feature to display only the message types you want to see.
  • From the Message Templates listing, select the name of the template in the Name column to view and edit the message template.
  • With a radio button selected, click the Copy or Delete buttons to take that action on it.
  • You can Export the listing in CSV or XLSX formats for download and analysis.
  • Select the Add button to display the Add / Edit Message Template screen.
Setting Description
Name Enter the name of the template you want to create.
Description Provide a description of the template, what it covers, who its audience is, and so forth.
Category Select from the predefined list of message categories.
Select Language Choose the language the message is written in. You can add languages by selecting the Add button to the right.
Default Adding a check mark to this check box makes this template the default message for this category, making Email and SMS the primary message types.
Message Type Select the types of message this template can be used: Email, Push, SMS.
Email (section)

Enter the Subject line for the email template.

Compose the Message Body of the email.

Push (section)

Enter the Subject line for the push template.

Compose the Message Body of the push message.

SMS (section)

Enter the Subject line for the SMS template.

Compose the Message Body of the SMS message.

  • You can insert Lookup Values in both Plain Text and HTML formats by selecting the (+) button to the right of the text box. For more information, see Lookup Values.
  • When finished writing Email, SMS, or Push message templates, select Save.