There is no such thing as a one size UEM fits all environments. As the admin, you can tweak Workspace ONE UEM performance settings to align with the way your environment works. This page lets you configure many options related to action frequencies and thresholds for various console functions.

Configure performance tuning settings by navigating to Groups & Settings > All Settings > Installation > Performance Tuning.

What can you do with the Workspace ONE UEM Performance Tuning settings page?

The Performance Tuning settings page allows you to:
  • Get information about settings to make an informed decision about what the setting should be.
    • In other words the description for the individual setting not only describes what the setting controls, but where possible, also shows the minumum, maximum, default, and recommended values.
  • Sometimes one performance setting relies on another performance setting in the same table. Read the description closely to reveal these relationships.
    • For example, the setting Number of Queue Commands (Max) uses Certificate Profile Publish Frequency as a multiplier. So what you have set for one affects the other.
  • Realize that the Performance Tuning page requires your attention and your patience.

Determine your Organizational group hierarchy

Before you review and modify settings, understand the two types of inheritance/override options for the organization group hierarchy available at the top and bottom of the settings page and determine your choices. For more information about these settings, see Override Versus Inherit Setting for Organization Groups.

  • Current Setting – Select whether to Inherit or Override the displayed settings. Inherit means use the settings of the current organization group's parent OG, while Override enables the settings for editing so you can modify the current OG's settings directly.
Setting Description
Bulk Publish Commit Frequency Profiles are pushed to the number of devices entered here per transaction. Minimum value is 1000. Maximum value is 50000. Default value is 40000.
Sample Scheduler Interval (minutes) This setting determines how often the scheduler pulls a sample from the device, measured in minutes. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 1440 (24 hours). Default value is 5.
Minimum Sampling Interval (hours) The interval within which the sample job queries all MDM sample schedules. Minimum value is 4 hours. Maximum valule is 100 hours. Default value is 4 hours. Recommended value is 4 hours.
iOS Device Invites Per Second This is the number of iOS devices per second that are invited to check into the Device Services through an APNs outbound message. Minimum value is 4. Maximum value is 1000. Default value is 30. Recommended maximum value is 120.
Certificate Profile Publish Frequency This is the maximum number of certificate profile install commands that can be published at any point in time for your entire environment. The value you put in here is the number of commands that gets released in every batch. This number can be increased to improve certificate profile batching, however it is recommended to closely monitor CA and DS server performance. Default value is 50.
Number of Queue Commands (Max)

This is the maximum number of commands that the queue is allowed to have. Commands are published per the Certificate Profile Publish Frequency until they reach this limit. Once devices consume the commands, more commands are queued up.

The value you enter here is multiplied by the 'Certificate Profile Publish Frequency' to get that max number. This number can be increased to improve certificate batching, however, you should consider closely monitoring CA and DS server performance. Default value is 10.

Certificate Queue Throttling If the commands added per the Certificate Profile Publish Frequency are not consumed by the devices, the next batch is queued per the selected time. This time interval can be lowered to improve certificate batching, however, you should consider closely monitoring CA and DS server performance. Default value is 15.
Certificate Profile Manual Install Threshold This is the maximum number of certificate profile install commands that can be queued from the dashboard per admin, per profile version. Default value is 100.
Maximum Apple API Calls Per Second (For Invitation of VPP Users) Specifies the maximum number of calls per second that are made to the Apple VPP servers. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 1000. Default value is 30.
Run Real-Time Compliance

Enabled means device compliance is calculated as quickly as the system allows at the expense of other UEM tasks.

The deactivated setting also calculates device compliance as quickly as the system allows but other UEM tasks are given precedence.

Allow minutes as minimum compliance interval Enable to create compliance policies and set compliance escalation actions to take place at a minute based interval. Depending on the number of devices enrolled in this environment, the performance of your system might be affected. Please consider these factors before enabling this option.
Batch Size for Internal Application Deployment This value specifies the number of devices that are included in the batch for internal application deployment. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 10000. Default value is 100.
Mark app UEM command stale after

This per platform time limit defines how long after the last UEM command (acknowledged by the device but not yet executed) before the command is deemed "stale". Stale commands are retriggered once apps are published.

The app catalog no longer displays apps in a "Processing" state to end users, opting instead to re-enable "Install" or "Update" actions.

MDM Application List Sample Interval (minutes) Minimum value 1. Default value 480.
Windows app list sample base poll time (min) Minimum value 1. Maximum value 1440. Default value 5.
Batch Size for VPP apps license sync This setting specifies the number of apps included in each batch when they synchronize with the VPP cloud. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 250. Default value is 250.
Failed Application Install Retry Interval (Minutes) This setting specifies how long to wait to attempt a reinstall of a failed application installation. Minimum value is 15. Maximum value is 10000. Default value is 60.
Max retry attempts for failed app install (Windows) Specifies the maximum number of times to retry a failed installation. Minimum value is 0. Maximum value is 8. Default value is 5.
Device batch size for retrying failed installs This setting specifies the maximum number of devices included in an attempt to reinstall a failed app installation attempt. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 15000. Default value is 10000.
Frequency for device-based VPP app auto updates (hours) You have the ability to update device-based VPP applications automatically. This setting controls how often, measured in hours, these updates occur. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 24. Default value is 1.
App list size to check for app version updates When the system checks for a new version of an app, this setting specifies the size of the list of apps that are checked. Minimum value is 20. Maximum value is 100. Default value is 20.
Install Certificate Profiles Without Batching on Enrollment

Determines whether or not certificate profile commands are sent in batches.

When enabled, batching logic on certificate profile install commands for new enrollments is skipped.

When deactivated, batching logic on certificate profile install commands for new enrollments is applied.

Sync interval (hours) for VPP license counts at an organization group This is the minimum amount of time, in hours, that the scheduler spends selecting an organization group to run the Sync License Count. Minimum value is 2. Maximum value is 24. Default value is 6.
Number of organization groups per batch when syncing VPP license counts This is the number of organization groups the scheduler can select each time it runs the job to synchronize VPP license count. Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 50. Default value is 10.
Automatic Delete Factory PPKG

When enabled, the product provisioning package that is uploaded to the device is automatically deleted, saving device storage space.

When deactivated, the PP package is kept on the device.

Days After Which PPKGs Will Be Deleted

This setting is available only when Automatic Delete Factory PPKG is enabled.

This setting determines how many days elapse before the PPKG file is removed from the device. Minimum value is 0 (immediate deletion). Maximum value is 90. Default value is 5.

Product Provisioning AWCM Throttle Rate

Represents the number of AirWatch Cloud Messenger (AWCM) notifications sent per second. Align this throttle rate with the Product Provisioning Command Release Batch Size per the included Product Provisioning Sizing table .

Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 100. Default value is 2.

Product Provisioning Command Release Batch Size

Product provisioning commands are created in a held state. This setting represents the number of commands released from the device command queue per batch release job interval.

The scheduler task called "Product Provisioning Batch Release Job" (found in Groups & Settings > All Settings > Admin > Scheduler) controls how often the command queue is released.

This setting controls how many commands per interval are released and is aligned with the Product Provisioning AWCM Throttle Rate. Both settings are based on the number of Device Services (DS) servers in your environment, as detailed in the Product Provisioning Sizing table.

Minimum value is 1. Maximum value is 10000. Default value is 200.

Apple Profile Installation Batch Size This value sets the number of profile commands that are added to the command queue per batch. This setting is meant to govern the flow of commands to be processed preventing the procedure from timing out. Minimum value is 300. Maximum value is 1000. Default value is 300.

Product Provisioning Sizing

# of DS servers AWCM Throttle Rate Command Release Batch Size
1 2 200
2 4 400
3 6 600
4 8 800
5 10 1000