As an admin, you can customize the look of the Workspace ONE UEM console by adding the colors, logos, and URLs that define your organization's brand.

What can you do with the Branding settings page?

The path to the settings page on the UEM console is Groups & Settings > All Settings > System > Branding.

With the Branding settings page, you can:
  • Change branding to reflect company colors or visually delineate specific organization groups.
  • Add company logos and website URLs.
  • Override console defaults by applying your custom design through cascading style sheet.

Determine your Organization group hierarchy

Before you review and modify the settings, understand the two types of inheritance/override options for the organization group hierarchy available at the top and bottom of the settings page and determine your choice. For more information about these settings, see Override Versus Inherit Setting for Organization Groups.

  • Current Setting – Select whether to Inherit or Override the displayed settings. Inherit means use the settings of the current organization group's parent OG, while Override enables the settings for editing so you can modify the current OG's settings directly.
  • Child Permission – Select the available behavior of child organization groups that exist below the currently selected organization group. Inherit only means child OGs are only allowed to inherit these settings. Override only means they override the settings, and Inherit or Override means you can choose to inherit or override settings in child OGs that exist below the currently selected OG.

Branding Tab

Setting Description
Company Logo You can upload your company logo. This logo appears in the top-left of the console, the login splash page, and About Workspace ONE UEM popup. The maximum resolution of the image is 800x300 pixels.
Login Page Background You can upload an image that you want to display on the login page. The suggested resolution of the image is 1024x768 pixels.
Self-Service Portal Login Page Background You can upload the image that you want to display on the self-service portal login splash page. The suggested resolution of the image is 1024x768 pixels.
Company Website URL You can enter the company website in this text box. When the user selects the company logo on the console, the user is redirected to the company website.

If you do not add a company URL, the logged in user on selecting the company logo is redirected to the admin home page.


You can set the color schemes for the UEM console's header, header fonts, and navigation panel. A mockup illustrates your changes.

Custom CSS Tab

Setting Description
Custom CSS Use this setting if you want to apply your own custom design. You can insert a cascading style sheet of your custom design and override the console defaults.