
This section provides details of various troubleshooting procedures that needs to be carried out if required.


Case 1: Display of TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector service stopped screen

The TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector service on Local Computer started and then stopped. Some services stop automatically if they are not in use by other services or programs is displayed.

Reason: There are two reasons for this error to appear:

  • TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector start-up failed.
  • Service Uid typed on UEM console is incorrect.

Solution: Following is the procedure of re-installing the connector to resolve the issue:

  1. Access the UEM console, and navigate to Devices > Peripherals > Settings > Server page.
  2. Select the Edit icon for the print server which you target.
  3. Type the Unique ID noted in TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector installation in the Service Uid field exactly, and select Save.
  4. On the print server, select Start > Run. Type services.msc in the Open field, and select OK.
  5. Select the name TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector, and select the Start Services icon. The TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is started.
  6. Confirm that the status of TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is Started. If Started is displayed, installation is successful.


Case 2: A printer cannot be enrolled (There is no error on event log)

A printer cannot be enrolled on the UEM console. In confirming event log, there was no error log.

Reason: Default multicast IP address “” would have been used in other part.

Solution: Follow the below procedure to configure multicast IP address:

  1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt on the print server.
  2. Enter the address of virtual directory TOSHIBA_AWConn, and then press Enter.

    For example, if the address of TOSHIBA_AWConn is c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn, then type cd c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn

  3. Type cd bin, and then press Enter.
  4. Start B-EP Tool for Walmart, and select Parameter Setting – LAN.
  5. Confirm that the IP address in Workspace ONE UEM shows
  6. Type the following, and then select Enter.

    setparam MultiCastAddress=xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx UdpAutoReceivePort=4000 MultiCastEventLog=ON

  7. Regarding xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx, type multicast IP address that is configured in step 4.
  8. Type Y, and then select Enter.
  9. Confirm that all the said parameters are configured. And then type exit, and press Enter.
  10. Select Start > Run. Type services.msc in the Open field, and select OK.
  11. Select the name TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector, and select the Start Services icon.
  12. Confirm that the status of TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is Started. If Started is displayed, it indicates that the TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is restarted.


Case 3: A printer cannot be enrolled. (There is UDP port error on event log)

A printer cannot be enrolled on UEM console. In confirming event log, an error log about UDP port is displayed.

Reason: Default UDP Port Number “4000” has been already used in other part.

Solution: Follow the below procedure to configure UDP port number.

  1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt on the print server.
  2. Enter the address of virtual directory TOSHIBA_AWConn, and then press Enter.For example, if the address of TOSHIBA_AWConn is c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn, then type cd c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn
  3. Type cd bin, and then press Enter.
  4. Start B-EP Tool for Walmart, and select Parameter Setting – LAN.
  5. Enable the Workspace ONE UEM checkbox, and configure UDP Port Number except 4000.
  6. Type the following, and then press Enter.

    setparam MultiCastAddress= UdpAutoReceivePort=yyyy MultiCastEventLog=ON

  7. Regarding yyyy, type UDP port number that is configured in step 4.
  8. Type Y, and then select Enter.
  9. Confirm that all the said parameters are configured. And then type exit, and press Enter.
  10. Select Start > Run. Type services.msc in the Open field, and select OK.
  11. Select the name TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector, and select the Start Services icon.
  12. Confirm that the status of TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is Started. If Started is displayed, it indicates that the TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is restarted.


Case 4: Non-supported multicast error is registered. (The printer can be enrolled)

Though a printer can be enrolled on UEM console, error log about non-supported multicast is registered whenever TOSHIBA AirWatch connector is started.

Reason: Multicast IP address is not configured in “B-EP Tool for Walmart”.

In other words, the host name or IP address of print server is configured in “B-EP Tool for Walmart”.

Solution: According to the following procedure, disable event log about multicast.

  1. Navigate to Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt on the print server.
  2. Enter the address of virtual directory TOSHIBA_AWConn, and then press Enter.For example, if the address of TOSHIBA_AWConn is c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn, then type cd c: \inetpub\wwwroot\TOSHIBA_AWConn
  3. Type cd bin, and then press Enter.
  4. Start B-EP Tool for Walmart, and select Parameter Setting – LAN.
  5. Enable the Workspace ONE UEM checkbox, and configure UDP Port Number except 4000.
  6. Type the following, and then press Enter.setparam MultiCastAddress= UdpAutoReceivePort=4000 MultiCastEventLog=OFF
  7. Type Y, and then select Enter.
  8. Confirm that all the said parameters are configured. And then type exit, and press Enter.
  9. Select Start > Run. Type services.msc in the Open field, and select OK.
  10. Select the name TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector, and select the Start Services icon.
  11. Confirm that the status of TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is Started. If Started is displayed, it indicates that the TOSHIBA AirWatch Connector is restarted.