To manage the integration, create a special admin user with restrictive roles. Special roles help to separate configurations and changes made for integration, so that they do not affect other areas of your Workspace ONE UEM deployment.

You want this custom admin role to access the Third-Party Integration page and to add or make edits to app groups. Give integration admins these abilities by adding a custom admin role with the listed categories, also known as permissions.

If you do not want to create an integration admin, ensure that the appointed admin user has the listed categories.


  1. Ensure that you are in the desired organization group that is a Customer type.
  2. Navigate to Accounts > Administrators > Roles and select Add Role.
  3. Complete the settings and add the required permissions.




    Enter the Name of the role.

    For example, enter App Scan Vendor > Admin.


    Enter a description of the custom admin role.


    Select the following categories so the custom admin can manage the integration for any vendor.

    • Apps & Books > Application Groups > Application Group Update Active Status (Edit)

    • Apps & Books > Application Groups > Application Group Add Item (Edit)

    • Apps & Books > Application Groups > Application Group Edit Item (Edit)

    • Apps & Books > Application Groups > Application Group View (Read)

    • Settings > Apps > Catalog > Third-Party App Scanning (Edit)

    • Settings > Apps > Catalog > App Scan (Read)