It is essential to configure printer profile General settings as it is the first step in creating a profile and deploying it to devices within an organization group.

To configure printer profile General settings:

  1. Navigate to Devices > Peripherals > Settings > Profiles.
  2. Select Add Profile and select Zebra.
  3. Select the General settings for your profile using the following fields and drop-down menus.
Fields Description
Name Name of the profile to be displayed in the UEM console.
Version Version number is auto-populated.
Description Brief description of the profile that indicates its purpose.
Assignment Type

Setting that determines how the profile is deployed to devices:

  • Auto – Profile is deployed to all devices automatically.
  • Optional – Administrator can deploy the profile to an end-user at their discretion.
Managed By Organization Group from which the profile is created, assigned, deployed, edited, and removed.
Assigned Smart Groups One or more Organization Groups that receive the profile.
  1. Select Save & Publish.