VMware Tools in Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD guest operating systems uses the VMware User process executable file. This  program implements the fit-guest-to-window feature and Unity mode, among other features.

Normally, this process starts after you configure VMware Tools, log out of the desktop environment, and log back in. The vmware-user program is located in the directory in which you selected to install binary programs, which defaults to /usr/bin. The startup script that you need to modify depends on your system. You must start the process manually in the following environments:

  • If you run an X session without a session manager. For example, if you use startx to start a desktop session and do not use xdm, kdm, or gdm.

  • If you are using an older version of GNOME without gdm or xdm.

  • If you are using a session manager or environment that does not support the Desktop Application Autostart Specification, available from http://standards.freedesktop.org.

  • If you upgrade VMware Tools.


Start the VMware User process.



Start the VMware User process when you start an X session.

Add vmware-user to the appropriate X startup script, such as the .xsession or .xinitrc file.

Start the process after a VMware Tools software upgrade, or if certain features are not working.

Open a terminal window and type the vmware-user command.