VMware Tools in Linux, Solaris, and FreeBSD guest operating systems uses the VMware user process. This program implements the fit-guest-to-window and other features.

Normally, this process starts after you configure VMware Tools, log out of the desktop environment, and log back in. You can invoke the VMware user process by running the vmtoolsd -n vmusr command. The startup script that you need to modify depends on your system. You must start the process manually in the following environments:

  • If you run an X session without a session manager. For example, if you use startx to start a desktop session and do not use xdm, kdm, or gdm.
  • If you are using an older version of GNOME without gdm or xdm.
  • If you are using a session manager or environment that does not support the Desktop Application Autostart Specification, available from http://standards.freedesktop.org.
  • If you upgrade VMware Tools.


Start the VMware User process.
Option Action
Start the VMware User process when you start an X session. Add vmtoolsd -n vmusr to the appropriate X startup script, such as the .xsession or .xinitrc file.
Start the process after a VMware Tools software upgrade, or if certain features are not working. Open a terminal window and type the vmtoolsd -n vmusr command.