The command-line examples that follow work on Workstation Player.
Commands Related to Image
- When you build a new image, to pull the base image from a private Docker registry successfully, either use the vctl login command to log in to the private Docker registry first or use the --credential option to pass a JSON file that stores credentials to vctl build command for registry authentication. For example:
- Encode your Docker registry username and password in base64 with the following command:
echo -n USER:PASSWORD | base64
- Create a config.json file with your Docker registry URL and the base64 encoded string generated in step 1.
{ "auths": { "": { "auth": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx" } } }
- Build the new image whose base image is in a private Docker registry, by passing the JSON file to vctl build command:
vctl build --file Dockerfile --tag --credential config.json .
- Encode your Docker registry username and password in base64 with the following command:
Commands Related to Container
- List running containers.
vctl ps
- List all containers, including the running containers and stopped containers.
vctl ps --all
- Run a container in detached mode using the nginx image, which is the same as
vctl run --name myContainer -d nginx
- Run a container using the --publish option and the fluentd image, here fluentd is equivalent to
vctl run --name myContainer --publish 24224:24224/udp --publish 24224:24224 fluentd
- Run multiple containers and enable discovery and communication with each other.
The vctl utility doesn't have a subnet or a link feature to connect multiple containers to a subnet.
To enable communication between multiple containers, start the container with the --publish option. This binds the container port to the host port so that the service provided by the container is accessible from the outside.
vctl run --name mydb -m 2048 -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=password -p 3306:3306 mysql
vctl run --name mymatomo -m 4096 -p 8080:80 -e MATOMO_DATABASE_HOST=<Host_IP>:3306 matomo
- Run a container using the --volume option and the bonita image, here bonita is equivalent to
vctl run --name myContainer -p 8080:8080 --volume %userprofile%\Documents\container:/opt/bonita bonita
Commands Related to CRX VM
- Get shell access to a CRX VM.
- By specifying the container hosted by the CRX VM.
vctl execvm --sh -c myContainer
- By specifying the vmx path of the CRX VM.
Note: To get the vmx path, run the vctl describe myContainer command and refer to the Host virtual machine value in the output.
vctl execvm --sh %userprofile%\.vctl\.r\vms\myContainer\myContainer.vmx
- By specifying the container hosted by the CRX VM.
- Execute a command within a CRX VM.
- By specifying the container hosted by the CRX VM.
vctl execvm -c myContainer /bin/ls
- By specifying the vmx path of the CRX VM.
Note: To get the vmx path, run the vctl describe myContainer command and refer to the Host virtual machine value in the output.
vctl execvm %userprofile%\.vctl\.r\vms\myContainer\myContainer.vmx /bin/ls
- By specifying the container hosted by the CRX VM.