You should be aware of certain limitations before you move a virtual machine to a different host system.

  • The guest operating system might not work correctly if you move a virtual machine to a host system that has significantly different hardware, for example, if you move a virtual machine from a 64-bit host to a 32-bit host or from a multiprocessor host to a uniprocessor host.

  • Workstation 7.x and later virtual machines support up to eight-way virtual symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) on multiprocessor host systems. Workstation 10.x and later virtual machines support up to sixteen-way multiprocessing on multiprocessor host systems. You can assign up to 8 or 16 virtual processors to virtual machines running on host systems that have at least two logical processors. If you attempt to assign two processors to a virtual machine that is running on a uniprocessor host system, a warning message appears. You can disregard this message and assign two processors to the virtual machine, but you must move it to a host that has at least two logical processors before you can power it on.

  • You can move a virtual machine from a 32-bit host to a 64-bit host. You cannot move a virtual machine from a 64-bit host to a 32-bit host unless the 32-bit host has a supported 64-bit processor.