You can take a screenshot of a virtual machine and save it to the clipboard, to a file, or to both a file and the clipboard.

When a take a screenshot of a virtual machine, the image is saved as a portable network graphics (.png) file by default. On Windows hosts, you can also save the screenshot as a bitmap (.bmp) file.

On Linux hosts, saving a screenshot to the clipboard is supported only on systems running Gnome 2.12 or later.


  1. Select Edit > Preferences.
  2. Select Workspace and select a save screenshots option.

    You can select both options to save screenshots to both a file and the clipboard.




    Save the screenshot to the clipboard.


    Save screenshots to a file. You can select:

    • Always ask for location

    • Save to Desktop

    • Browse for custom location

    By default, Workstation Pro saves screenshots to .png files on the Desktop of the host computer. If you save the file to the desktop, the filename is generated from the virtual machine name and the time at which the screenshot is taken.

    To save screenshots to .bmp files on Windows hosts, select Always ask for location and specify the file type when you save the screenshot.

  3. Click OK to save your changes.
  4. To take the screenshot, select the virtual machine, select VM > Capture Screen.