You can export a virtual machine from Workstation Pro to OVF format.

OVF is a platform-independent, efficient, extensible, and open packaging and distribution format for virtual machines. OVF format provides a complete specification of the virtual machine, including the full list of required virtual disks and the required virtual hardware configuration, including CPU, memory, networking, and storage. An administrator can quickly provision an OVF-formatted virtual machine with little or no intervention.

You can also use the standalone OVF Tool to convert a virtual machine that is in VMware runtime format to an OVF virtual machine. The standalone version of the OVF Tool is installed in the Workstation Pro installation directory under OVFTool. See the OVF Tool User Guide on the VMware Web site for information about using the OVF Tool.


  • Verify that the virtual machine is not encrypted. You cannot export an encrypted virtual machine to OVF format.

  • Verify that the virtual machine is powered off.


  1. Select the virtual machine and select File > Export to OVF.
  2. Type a name for the OVF file and specify a directory in which to save it.
  3. Click Save to start the OVF export process.

    The export process can take several minutes. A status bar indicates the progress of the export process.