You can use the virtual network editor to change the subnet IP address for a host-only or NAT network on a Linux host system.

You can also use the virtual network editor to specify that a local DHCP service distributes IP addresses to virtual machines. To change DHCP settings further, you must edit the DHCP server configuration file (dhcp.conf). See Editing the DHCP Server Configuration File.



  1. Log in to the Linux host system as root.

    You must enter the root password to use the virtual network editor on a Linux host system.

  2. Select Applications > System Tools > Virtual Network Editor to start the virtual network editor.

    The menu path might be different for your version of Linux. You can also start the network editor from the command line by using the vmware-netcfg command.

  3. Select the virtual network.
  4. Change the subnet IP address.



    Select an unused subnet IP address

    Leave the Subnet IP text box empty.

    Configure a specific subnet IP address

    Type the subnet IP address that you want to use in the Subnet IP text box.

  5. To have the virtual DHCP server distribute IP addresses to virtual machines on the network, select Use local DHCP service to distribute IP addresses to VMs.
  6. Click Save to save your changes.