Workstation Pro provides a set of default system roles. You can use the default system roles to assign permissions, or you can use them as a model to create your own roles.

The default system roles are permanent. You cannot edit the privileges associated with these roles.

Table 1. Default System Roles
Role User Capabilities
  • Has all privileges for all objects.
  • Can add, remove, and set access rights and privileges on all objects.

Default role for members of the Administrators group on Windows hosts and the root user on Linux hosts.

No Access
  • Cannot view or change the associated object.
  • Tabs associated with the object appear without content.

Except for users in the Administrators group on Windows hosts and the root user on Linux hosts, this is the default role for all users.

Read Only
  • Can view the object state and details about the object.
  • Cannot perform any actions through the menus and toolbars.
VM Creator Can create, use, configure, and delete virtual machines.
VM User Can configure and use existing virtual machines.