If a DHCP server (dhcpd) utility was running on the Linux host system before you installed Workstation Pro, it might have noticed that an additional network interface, vmnet1, was marked up and available for use when host-only networking was configured.

Some dhcpd implementations abort if their configuration files do not include a subnet specification for the interface. This can happen even if dhcpd is not supposed to respond to messages that arrive through the interface.

The best solution is to add a line to the dhcpd configuration file in the format subnet net.0 netmask {}. The net value is the network number assigned to the host-only network, for example, 192.168.0. This line in the configuration file informs dhcpd about the host-only network and tells it explicitly not to respond to any dhcpd requests arriving from that network.

An alternative solution is to explicitly state the set of network interfaces for dhcpd to monitor each time you start the program. For example, if the host system has one Ethernet interface (eth0), list the interface on the command line each time you start dhcpd.

dhcpd eth0

This solution prevents dhcpd from searching for all available network interfaces.

If these solutions do not work for your DHCP server program, it might be an older version of the program and you can try upgrading to more current version. DHCP server programs are available from the Internet Systems Consortium (ISC) Web site.