Handle case where AprLifecycleListener receives destroy event but no init event

Tanzu tc Server 10.1.25.A | 24 JUN 2024 Tanzu tc Server 10.1.24.A | 29 MAY 2024 Tanzu tc Server 10.1.20.A | 11 APR 2024

What's in the Release Notes

These release notes cover the following topics:

What's New in Tanzu tc Server 10.1.25.A

This Tanzu tc Server release includes the following new features and changes:

What's New in Tanzu tc Server 10.1.24.A

This Tanzu tc Server release includes the following new features and changes:

What's New in Tanzu tc Server 10.1.20.A

Please visit What's New in 10.1.x for more detail on the 10.1.20.A release. This version is the first release in the Tanzu tc Server 10.1.x.y version line.

This Tanzu tc Server release includes the following new features and changes:

  • Features Highlights:

    • tc Runtime 10.1.20.A
      • tc Runtime is compatible with ASF Tomcat 10.1.20
  • Download:

Security and Vulnerability Information

All CVEs (Common Vulnerabilities and Exposures) are registered with cve.mitre.org. Once the CVE information is released to the public, it can take some time before this site is updated with all the details. If you do not see the updated CVE information, please visit Apache Tomcat's Security pages for more detailed information about the CVE.

Here are the links to Apache Tomcat security and vulnerability details per release:

Known Issues

Issue Number Description
N/A The default OpenJDK build of Java 9 on Ubuntu is a non-GA version and will cause issues when running tc Server. Upgrade to a GA version of OpenJDK to resolve the issues.


Term Definition
tc Runtime tc Runtime is the Apache Tomcat runtime binaries packaged for use by tc Server. See tc Server Versioning to understand the naming scheme.

tc Runtime Versioning

The tc Runtime version refers to the corresponding Apache Tomcat release. A letter is added to indicate whether additional patches not yet released by the Apache Software Foundation are applied.

For example:

  • tc Runtime 9.0.74.A.RELEASE is equivalent to Apache Tomcat 9.0.74.

  • tc Runtime 9.0.74.B.RELEASE is equivalent to Apache Tomcat 9.0.74 plus important bug fixes, enhancements, or security fixes. The letter could also refer to a pre-release of Apache Tomcat 9.0.34.

    The letter is incremented (9.0.74.C.RELEASE, 9.0.74.D.RELEASE, and so on) if additional patches or security fixes are applied after a release is named and released.

See the Apache Tomcat changelogs for a list of improvements introduced by release:

VMware Tanzu tc Server Support Lifecycle

VMware Tanzu tc Server 10.1.x

  • End of General Support is no earlier than December 31, 2027.
  • End of Technical Guidance is no earlier than June 30, 2028.

General Support includes fixes for major bugs and CVEs.

tc Server Naming

Since the original release of SpringSource tc Server there have been many names of the core product often referred to as tc Server. These include vFabric tc Server, Appsuite tc Server, Pivotal tc Server, and VMware tc Server. the branding name may change, even between minor releases, however, it is the same core product. The current full name is VMware Tanzu tc Server or Tanzu tc Server for short name usage.

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