The management plane functions reside in the Management Pod. The management plane functions are local to each site providing the virtual infrastructure and host management, network management, and operations management capabilities.
Resource Orchestration
Each cloud island should have a dedicated vCloud Director instance for virtual infrastructure management of that island. Each site should also have dedicated resource and management vCenter Server instances. Optionally, this design choice could be centralized as latency and site distances should be considered.
The vCloud Director site and Organization credential association feature federates identity management across various distributed vCloud Director instances and their Organizations within each of the distributed sites. A tenant user can have an Organization VDC created across multiple data centers. A tenant administrator can then log in to any of the associated vCloud Director instances to manage their tenancy from a single pane view.
Operations Management
Operations management functions by using the VMware vRealize suite can be deployed in a single centralized site to collect and process analytics. The latency between sites should be considered in the design.