This section provides instructions for upgrading the vCloud Director software to version 9.7. The vCloud Director installer verifies that the target server meets all upgrade prerequisites and upgrades the vCloud Director software on the server.


  • Take a backup/snapshot of the VCD cells before attempting to upgrade them.

  • Back up your existing database before you upgrade it. Use the procedures that your database software vendor recommends.

  • If your existing vCloud Director installation uses an Oracle database, verify that you migrated to a PostgreSQL database from vCloud Director version 9.1. See the Workflow for Upgrading a vCloud Director Installation with an Oracle Database.

  • If you are using VCD 8.20, you must upgrade VCD from version 8.20 to version 9.1 first.


  1. Shut down the vCloud Director services on each cell using the [root@cell1 /opt/vmware/vclouddirector/bin]#./cell-management-tool -u administrator cell --shutdown command.
  2. If your current database is Microsoft SQL Server 2012, upgrade the database to Microsoft SQL Server 2017. Follow the below prerequisite to perform the database upgrade:
    1. Install Windows Server 2012 R2 Update 1 (Microsoft KB2919355).
      • If you have issues when installing, see KB42153.

    2. Upgrade Microsoft SQL Server 2012 to Microsoft SQL Server 2017.
    3. Install latest SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS).
  3. Upgrade the vCloud Director Cells.

    For the instructions to upgrade, see Upgrade a vCloud Director Cell.


    If you are performing a manual upgrade, see Manually Upgrade a vCloud Director Installation.

  4. Upgrade the vCloud Director software on the remaining cells in the group.
  5. Start the vCloud Director services on all cells using the command service vmware-vcd start.